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Chase, my long-coat black and red German Shepherd adolescence pup was born on January 25th, 2023. I purchased Chase on September 12th, 2023 when he was eight months old. I was searching Long-Haired German Shepherd dogs on Hoobly (highly recommend this website if you are shopping for dogs) and found Dan Ivenovic, a breeder of German Shepherd and Doberman Pinschers – all German bloodlines and exotic rare long hair French Bulldogs). Dan Ivenovic is based in Deerfield, Illinois, which is 30 minutes from where I live. I talked back and forth with Dan Ivenovic for a few days over the phone about maybe getting two long-coat German Shepherd dogs and a time and date for seeing the dogs. On September 12th, 2023, Dan said he can drop the dogs to may house to see them and if I like them, I could purchase them. I told him that I just want one German Shepherd dog because the German Shepherd I am buying will be my 12th dog so just to bring one. Just so everyone knows, I do have 12 dogs and they are all inside dogs. At the time my wife and I had 11 dogs (Dog #1 Female Pit Bull that was a rescue where I had to adopt or the previous owners were moving to Florida and could not take her and a male Pitbull. The male Pit Bull, my friend and fellow loan officer Jose Morales adopted. Dog #2: Stella is a 8 year old grey female Standard Poodle who is a rescue. Stella and dozens of dogs were confiscated from a large puppy breeding mill by the Sheriff’s Department in Central Wisconsin. Stella was abused, undernourished, and was about to get transported to a kill county animal shelter. Dog #3: Four year-old French Bull Dog – Adopted last year from Highland, Illinois. Dog # 4: Five-year old four pound toy poodle. Dog #5: Five-year old five pound Yorkshire Terrier. Dog #6 and Dog #7: Five year old Boston Terrier brothers. Dog #8 eleven year old toy poodle. Dog #9: Five-year old toy poodle. Dog #10: Six-year old Schiz Szu-Pomeranian mix. Dog #11: Six-year old three pound Chihuahua. Chase makes it dog #12). So, when I adopted Chase, he was eight months old. He was very skittish, was not leash trained, was semi-potty trained, did not know how to sleep on a dog bed, did not know nothing about toys, did not know how to walk and down the stairs, did not know human food, ice cream, or treats, did not know how to walk into different rooms through a door, did not know how to get in and out of my truck, and did not know many things a normal eight month dog should know. I had to take him to the vet every other week because of warms and a stomach parasite which took six months to treat. Anyways, I spent a lot of time with him. Taught him the basics, took him for rides, introduced him to toys, and soon he started coming around. All his four-legged furry brothers and sisters eventually welcomed Chase into their group and he became part of the family. We also have three unfriendly skittish rescue cats. Chase gets along with everyone and doesn’t mind the little ones snapping at him or disrespecting him by stealing his toys or food. Eventually, Chase choose a red 16 inch ball as his favorite toy. He brings his red ball throughout the day to take him out to play fetch. I disregard him many times because I am in the middle of something to do for work. He then picks up his ball and drops it to me. He continues to do this half a dozen times and if I disregard him, he will pick up his red ball and throws it to me. I ignore him, his next move is he will pick up his red ball and hands it to me and while he is doing so, you can see the whites of his eyes. NOW, HOW CAN I SAY NO TO HIM. I then change my clothes to take him out so we can play catch one on one. I need to take him out of the house to play fetch because if I take home to the back yard, we get disrupted from the other dogs. When we both had enough, we both go back in the house. Not once does Chase let his red ball out of the house. I bought other similar balls for Chase but he only wants his beat up red ball. The point for this story is you will see pictures of Chase and most pictures Chase has his red ball
with him. German Shepherds are the best dog breed I have had. My first dog, Jeannie, was a female German Shepherd I had when I was a freshman in high school. My best friend, loyal, and was always with me wherever I went. I will save that story for a different separate thread. I highly recommend German Shepherd breed for those people who want to get a dog for their family. Many people think German Shepherd dogs will not get along with small dogs, cats, and children. NOT TRUE. I will explain my interactions with other people when I have Chase with me on separate posts. Here are some more photos of Chase.
This discussion was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by
Gustan Cho.
This discussion was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by
In this section, we will go over the best German Shepherd Training Videos and the best-paid version of the German Shepherd Training DVD Series. Exercising proper training for your German shepherd will ensure they are well-behaved and their memories are firmly embedded to guarantee lasting happiness. Here are some of the best-rated, free YouTube channels and DVD series that offer such training materials and workshops:
Best-selling DVD series:
- “The German Shepherd Dog the German Way”—This multiple-part instructional DVD series is a comprehensive course on German shepherd dog training experts. The series covers overlapping topics like gait and locomotion, conditioning, biomechanics, and show culture. This tool will appeal to amateurs interested in the breed’s culture.
- “Training Your German Shepherd Dog” by Brandy Eggeman and Joan Hustace Walker—This book is part of the Training Your Dog Series. It is listed as a must-have in dog-owning manuals. Alongside the well-explained details on the DVD are advice on picking up a dog puppy, characteristics that must be considered, and dog training tips.
Approved Youtube Channels:
- German Shepherd Man official channel—If you are looking for a healthy and more controlled German shepherd puppy that fits your lifestyle, this channel is perfect. It has numerous training tips, older German shepherd demonstrations, and a pet showcase, making it a perfect fit for antisocial kids.
- German Shepherd Dog USA – Cleverness, options, and loyalty are usually not words associated with the breed of German Shepherd Dog. Through tips, this channel showcases king dogs and motivation and emphasizes the diversity of this breed.
- Star the German Shepherd Dog (puppy training series) – Star, a German shepherd dog star, in her very own YouTube puppy series that reveals a step-by-step approach to German shepherd puppy training through skill demonstration videos.
Tom Davis Dog Training: Tom Davis is a professional dog trainer whose videos target training German Shepherds by practicing various exercises and demonstrating effective training techniques.
Dog World: This channel targets puppy owners and provides them with strategies for preparing their German Shepherd puppies for professional training.
Some are free, others are features, but these tools give you more systematic German Shepherd training options.
Chase going on a ride on my truck to get trained
This discussion was modified 1 year ago by
Gustan Cho.
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Here is Chase first day of official training with Mark Chen. I need to work with Chase all week unit our next session with Mark Chen next Sunday at 1 pm. Also on the videos is Mark’s Dutch Shepherd Ellis. Chase learned to sit, down, stay, and jump on a bunker. Need lots of practice daily. Need to get a electric collar, chain training collar, and five different types of balls to reward him for next week. Mark Chen is a professional Shepherd trainer and trains obedience and protection for Dutch Shepherd Dogs, Belgian Malanois, and German Shepherd dogs. To fully trained Dutch Shepherd Dogs, it takes two fully years and many hours and commitment for both the dog and owner as well as the trainer. Ita like sending your child to Harvard undergraduate, graduate and professional schools. Reputable professional dog training programs cost six figures and commitment and dedication.
Here is our third German Shepherd Dog Bailey. We call Bailey “Floppy” because both of her ears are floppy. Skylar has just one year that is floppy but Skylar floppy ear 👂 is getting stronger 💪 and stands up when it is cold. Bailey turned one year old in January 25th, 2025 so she is now 14 months old. Bailey like Skylar is extremely skittish and not potty trained. I have not started any training regiment for Bailey since she is terrified of people. We are making progress with Bailey because she started playing with Chase, Skylar and our other dogs 🐕 (Bailey’s brothers and sisters)
Skylar was also very skittish but not like Bailey. I will post more pics and video clips of Bailey and keep you all updated on her progress. Attached are some photos of Bailey. I don’t want to take a lot of pics and videos of Bailey because I don’t want to freak her out.
My big guy Chase, my German Shepherd Dog, has a baby sister. SKYLAR. Skylar is an eight month old female long coat black and red German Shepherd Dog from the same breeder Chase came from. Chase is neutered and i am going to get Skylar spayed in about six months. Skylar is underweight and skinny. You can feel the ribs when you pet her on the sides of her body. Skylar was the runt of the litter and was bullied on by her furry brothers and sisters. She was bit in many places and her siblings stole her portion of Dog food so that is why she is underweight and malnourished. Had a visit to the veterinarian and got her tested for worms 🪱 and parasites. Results came back negative. Skylar is takung a 14 day antibiotics program due to her scabs, a lump on her left side rib area due to blunt trauma and urinary infection and scratches on her vulva. She got her rabbits and puppy shots and weighs 52.5 pounds. Unfortunately Skylar is not fully potty trained nor obedience trained. I will work on a training regiment after a few weeks. Extremely skittish therefore I want her to get used to her new home and her new family and environment. Here are a few photos of Skylar and Chase. One of Skylar ears is floppy. I adopted Skylar on Sunday October 6th. Dan Ivenovic dropped her off the house. Dan has two other German Shepherd pups that are nine months. Please let me know if anyone is interested . Price is discounted. 9 months old.
I spoke with James Abrams, who normally goes by JD. JD is a BDM at NEXA Mortgage, and I have known him for several years. I have heard different, if not shocking, news from JD. JD adopted a German Shepherd dog over a year ago. The dog’s name is Chloe. The German Shepherd dog Chloe is two years old. I asked JD how his German shepherd dog was doing. JD went on to tell me that his dog is doing great and how much he loves Chloe. Then he went on to tell me about an incident he had with Chloe a few months back. James said his German shepherd dog, Chloe, had ten puppies. The father of the ten puppies is not known since Chloe got out of her territory and wandered the neighborhood. The weirdest part of the story was that every time James went to check on the puppies, the number of pups was getting reduced. For example, the ten puppies he witnessed and counted, it went down to eight pups. Then seven puppies. Then five. So JD said something was up. Long story short, Chloe, the German shepherd dog that gave birth to ten puppies, was eating her own puppies with two puppies left over. Besides the ten puppies, the German shepherd Chloe at two birds, Cockatiels, that James kept as pets. I will ask James if he can share the entire story on this forum. Anyone hear of such a bizarre incident where a dog who gave birth to a large litter of puppies at the entire litter? I heard of animals eating the placentas of their newborns but not devouring the entire pup. Something is wrong with her. Any response to this thread will be greatly appreciated.
JD, I appreciate you sharing your story. I am sure you going through this bizarre incident with Chloe is not the first case among those dog lovers and owners who are either intentionally or unintentionally breeding their dogs.
One of the most frequently asked questions about German Shepherd dogs is “are German Shepherd dogs good with children and other pets such as large dogs, toy breeds, cats, and birds. I can attest to mine and my first German Shepherd I had Jeannie when I was in high school. From my experience, there is no other dog than a German Shepherd dog that is better with other animals. I will address the if German Shepherd dogs are good with kids to my friend @Cpensacola Christy Hembree and my friend and wholesale account executive @@@TriciaJ Tricia James of Champion Mortgage. and my friend and client @peter Arcuri. I have 11 dogs and Chase, my German shepherd. Plus 3 cats and one African Grey parrot. Chase gets along with everyone. The dogs I have are
1. Female 2 year old Pit Bull adopted
2. EIGHT year old female Standard Poodle rescue
3. FIVE year old Shitz Szu and pomeranian mix
4. Eleven year old toy Poodle
5. FIVE year old teacup yorkshire terrier.
6. & 7. Two Boston Terrier Terrier.
8. FIVE year old teacup toy Poodle
9. FIVE year old toy Poodle.
10. Six year old teacup chihuahua rescue.
11. Two year old French Bull Dog adopted
#12:Chase my MAN. Long Hair GERMAN SHEPHERD dog.
Three one year old cats.
Chase gets along with everyone including the cats. However, Chase looks like a mean German Shepherd guard dog but acts like a teacup lap dog and cat. That’s because you are who you hang with. I may need to get him a brother or sister German Shepherd dog so he can act his age.
How Large Do German Shepherd Dogs Get? Can you please detail the size of males and female German Shepherds on how large they get compared to their age? For example, a chart how much a male German Shepherd dog weighs at three months, six months, nine months, twelve months, 18 months, 24 months, 30 months, 36 months. The same with female German Shepherd dogs. How much does a female German Shepherd dog weigh at three months, six months, nine months, twelve months, 18 months, 24 months, 30 months, 36 months. When is a German Shepherd dog fully grown and when do they reach full maturity level? Thank you in advance.
What can you do if my one-year-old German Shepherd dog has floppy ears? Is there surgery, drugs, tape, to make the ears stand up?
What Happens If The Ears of German Shepherd Dog is Floppy? Why is the ears of my nine month old German Shepherd dog floppy? One of them is half floppy and the other one is fine. Is there a cure for floppy ears? How do you take care of a floppy ear German Shepherd? I heard to tape them? How can I tape them? What is a sure way of fixing my dog’s ears so they are both standing up straight?
Here’s a few pics and videos of Chase.
The Tale of Chase and His Half-a-Ball: A Long-Haired German Shepherd Love Story
There are dog lovers, and then there are staunch “my-dogs-are-my-co-pilots, my-shadow, my-ride-or-dies” type of dog lovers. My wife and I? Definitely the latter. And it all began with Chase, our Long-Haired German Shepherd born on 25th January 2023; a majestic and fluffy, fiercely loyal, and ridiculously stubborn dog with one very peculiar obsession: his prized possession, half-a-ball.
The Ball that Never Dies
Chase adored a particular toy above all others: a red ball. But let’s make no mistake—this is not a ball, and once it even ceased to exist. A long time ago, it did, and in fact Chase loved to fetch it—round, smooth and completely undamaged. However, now? Well, now it resembles an object of interest that has been subjected to a brutal archaeological dig. It overflows with bite marks, is disfigured beyond recognition, is in need of surgery, and quite frankly, had physics not intervened, would have ceased to exist by now.
As dutiful dog guardians, we engaged in speculative thinking. Why do we not attempt to acquire a new ball for him? Or, alternatively, how about two dozen brand new red balls that are identical to the first one? Since it was clear to us that the only issue was his lack of options. Makes sense, right?
No, not at all.
When Chase came out to play, he was greeted by several pristine new balls. Instead of running towards them like a sane dog, he sniffed them thoroughly and walked away as if he had just seen the antichrist. He didn’t even bother touching the fresh balls because at the end of the day, all he wanted was his half-ball. His one true love, the ball most people would disassociate with, is a half-chewed, nearly unrecognizable, blended piece of rubber that is coated with slobber. No other ball comes close to it.
Meet Skylar and Floppy: The Sister Duo
At this point, I am sure you have also deduced that Chase is our favorite dog in the family. For reasons that I am sure will be explained later, we can’t be normal people and leave him all by himself, hence, we got him two sisters. Now Chase was born on January 25, 2023, and so were his new sisters, making him a year older than the two. We surely love a good symmetric story.
Floppy most accurately describes the look of confusion, her ears thrown in different directions, give her a quirky, cartonish look style that can be also described as outright unique. Together with Skyler, who serves as the more excitement-driven dog, they have singlehandedly changed Chase’s life for the better, but the worst for Chase’s owners. The sweetest part? The lovely, heart-melting chaos they create while together.
The Three Musketeers (And Their Chauffeur—Me)
These three are a tight-knit group, and it is amusing to note that they would take my job if given the chance. They sit in the front row of the car when we go for rides together, which is a must. It gets pretty crowded because Chase assumes the shotgun role, while Skylar and Floppy scrunch up at the back like two misbehaved toddlers on a family trip.
As I am idling at stoplights, Chase scans the pedestrians and judges every single person’s life decisions while Sklyar and Floppy use the chance to bark at random objects. It is hard to get any gas without an event happening either. Whenever I leave the car unattended, all three dogs treat me like I am abandoning them and press their noses on the window as I step away until I come back.
The Ball Conspiracy Continues
With the arrival of two new sisters, one would assume that Chase would loosen up over the ball. Chase doesn’t share, nor does he seem inclined to. Everyone is baffled along with Skylar and Floppy because they are unaware of his bizarre dedication to the mangled ball. Those two other dogs would much rather chase the new red balls, which frustrates Chase to no end as he sits and perpetually observes the younger dogs, shaking his head in disbelief.
Now and then, Floppy makes an attempt to capture Chase’s half-ball to try understanding the excitement surrounding it, which is always an awful decision. Chase always gets it back with all the fervor of a person who is safeguarding the final piece of pizza at a party.
Life with The Trio
Our lives now center around three enormous, cute, spoiled, and incredibly funny dogs. Some bone of contention includes but is not limited to:
✅ Chase still not accepting the fact that his ball is not a ball anymore.
✅ Skylar being the main culprit of mischief.
✅ Floppy attempting to act like a baffled potato.
✅ All of them fighting for a ride in the car as if the car belongs to them.
We would not want it any other way.
So, if you ever spot a car zooming past with three extravagant Long Haired German Shepherds- one inconspicuously gripping a half-ball in his mouth while the other two stare in perplexment- you now have an idea as to who we are.
And if by chance you have a chewed up, barely recognizable red ball that is too damaged for any normal person to use, then to you Chase may just consider you his best pal.
P.S. Your guess is as good as mine on how we can convince Chase to replace the beloved trinket he keeps with a brand new, whole red ball. It’s safe to assume that whatever he has will remain. 🐾
This discussion was modified 4 weeks, 1 day ago by
Gustan Cho.
This discussion was modified 4 weeks, 1 day ago by
I have always wanted to own a German Shepherd dog. We have been renting for the past ten years and are about to close on a house. We have a small family, my wife, five year old son, and two year old daughter. I have heard so many great things about owning a German Shepherd dog and how easy they are to train and how great they are as protectors. How is it like owning a German Shepherd dog for a small family like ours. Much appreciated.
Here’s a cute German Shepherd dog playing boxing with a cat.
So cute 😀 . . . . Credit: @Unknown🙏 . . . #germanshepherd #germanshepherdsofinstagram #germanshepherdpuppy #germanshepherddog #tongueouttuesday #germanshepard #gsdpuppylove #germanshepards #axetribe...
Here are cute German Shepherd Videos and pictures
When dad says it's time for work 🤣🐾 🎥 @koolkath1 / tt. Police Dog · Original audio
Here are two German Shepherd dogs on a Sunday morning remote car chase.
Chase, my big guy, learned not to Chase squirrels and fetch a ball. Not yet 100% but good enough but good enough. Great dog.
Do German Shepherd dogs require a fenced yard. My homebuyer finally found their forever house. Problem is the house is in South Barrington, Illinois where all homes are in subdivisions. Subdivision HOAs ban fences on all homes. Homes have a one acre minimum. My buyers put a deposit on two German Shepherd dogs wanted to put a fence for them. Their late Old English Mastiff never needed a fence. What are your thoughts on German Shepherd dogs. Are German Shepherd dogs runners in nature like hunting dogs or can they be trained to stay on your property without a fence.
Want to thank my dear friend @TriciaJ Tricia James our favorite preferred wholesale Mortgage Lender who has brought it to my attention of Animal Care LA County Shelter who are overwhelmed with dogs and cats in desperate need of foster care and permanent forever homes. I think this great organization needs help I am all in
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Chase helped himself to ice cream 🍦 while I was mowing. He knows how to open the refrigerator door. He better not have the shits.
Beautiful German shepherd dog. Long hair German Shepherd dog looks like Chase.
I love you 😍 #dog #reels #puppyeyes | Kaos & Mayhem | Kaos & Mayhem · Original audio
I love you 😍 #dog #reels #puppyeyes. Kaos & Mayhem · Original audio
@Steve , here’s the website that I told you about. @Regisregal Cynthia Kelly is a top German Shepherd breeder but she’s in Illinois
Here’s videos of Chase. Chase was born January 25 2023 and has turned one year old. Very loveable, kind hearted, but everything is a game for him. I am going to start training Chase to become a well behaved German Shepherd puppy.
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This discussion was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by
Sapna Sharma.
This discussion was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by
The German Shepherd Dog, often referred to simply as the German Shepherd or GSD, is a popular and versatile breed known for its intelligence, loyalty, and versatility. Here’s some information about the German Shepherd:
Origin of the German Shepherd: The breed originated in Germany in the late 19th century, developed primarily by Max von Stephanitz, who aimed to create the ideal working dog.
Appearance: German Shepherds are medium to large-sized dogs with a strong, muscular build. They have a distinctive double coat, which is usually tan and black, or red and black, although other color variations exist.
Temperament: They are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and courage. They are often used as working dogs in roles such as police, military, search and rescue, and as service dogs for people with disabilities.
Training: German Shepherds are highly trainable and eager to please, which makes them excellent candidates for obedience training and various dog sports. They thrive on mental and physical stimulation.
Health: Like all breeds, German Shepherds are prone to certain health issues, including hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and degenerative myelopathy. Responsible breeding and regular veterinary care can help mitigate these risks.
Exercise: They are an active breed and require regular exercise to stay mentally and physically healthy. Long walks, hikes, and play sessions are important for their well-being.
Socialization: Proper socialization from a young age is crucial for German Shepherds to ensure they grow up to be well-adjusted and confident around people and other animals.
Popularity: German Shepherds are consistently ranked among the most popular dog breeds worldwide due to their versatility, intelligence, and loyalty.
Overall, German Shepherds make excellent companions for active individuals and families who can provide them with the mental and physical stimulation they need. However, potential owners should be prepared for the commitment of time, training, and exercise required to raise a happy and healthy German Shepherd.
This discussion was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by
Gustan Cho.
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The primary difference between long-haired and short-haired German Shepherds lies in their coat length and texture:
Coat Length: Short-haired German Shepherds have a dense, double-layered coat with a close-lying outer coat and a soft undercoat.
Long-haired German Shepherds have a longer outer coat, which can be straight or slightly wavy, with a dense undercoat as well.
Short-haired German Shepherds have a sleeker appearance with a well-defined body outline due to the close-lying coat.
Long-haired German Shepherds tend to have a more elegant appearance due to the longer coat, which may give them a softer, more flowing look.
Short-haired German Shepherds generally require less grooming compared to their long-haired counterparts. They typically need regular brushing to control shedding.
Long-haired German Shepherds require more frequent grooming to prevent matting and tangling of their longer coats. They may need more extensive brushing and occasional trimming.
Short-haired German Shepherds are often preferred for working roles such as police or military work, as their shorter coat can be more practical and easier to maintain in certain environments.
Long-haired German Shepherds are sometimes preferred as family pets due to their softer appearance and potentially gentler temperament. They may also be favored in colder climates due to the extra insulation provided by their longer coat.
Both long-haired and short-haired German Shepherds can occur in the same litter. The long-haired trait is a recessive gene, so both parents must carry the gene for their offspring to have long hair. Consequently, long-haired German Shepherds are less common but not rare.
In terms of temperament and behavior, there isn’t a significant difference between long-haired and short-haired German Shepherds. Both types are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and versatility in various roles such as companions, working dogs, and service animals. I like long haired German Shepherd dogs and would always want to raise the long hair German Shepherd with black and red with a black mask.
$100,000 Belgian Malanois two part dog training program First part of the Belgian Malanois dog training program is obedience training. The second phase is protection and defensive tactical training. Tge training program is intense and the dogs are worked on intensely with training taken seriously several hours daily.
$100,000 Belgian Malinois Training Unveiled! Dogs and Puppies Edition. 🐾💰 #DogTrainingSecrets #BelgianMalinois #DogsofTikTok #dogtrainermagic. Britani K Safris Mayes · Audio original
Here is Chase learning how to sit and stay. I trained Chase how to sit without treats and took me no longer than thirty minutes. Same with stay. After two weeks, I trained Chase how to stay with out any treats and that took me no longer than 30 minutes. Next will be how to come when called. Going by my friend Mark Chen tomorrow at 1 pm to train Chase.
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Gustan Cho. Reason: Forgot to check NOTIFY ME BOX
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