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Below are the steps to create a business directory:
Step1: Click on business form top or here is link https://gcaforums.com/business/
Step 2: Click on Create a Business
Step 3: Enter the details like Business Name, Business Description and select the category of your business and click on create business blue button.
Step 4: Upload business profile picture and click on next button.
Step 5: Upload the cover photo and click on visit business
Now you business page created. Now there are more addition information which you can add in your business page like phone number, address , social media links etc.
So for these setting go to your business page which you created and click on Setting option. Where you can add all information which you want.
To make a team for your business page, first thing is you can add team member if that person follow your business page.
After that go to your business page then click on Followers. Then you can see an option same as in attachment picture.
Select the person which you want to add in your team and also select role for that person like moderator, administrator and member.
If you assign anyone as administrator for your business page then that person can edit whole business page.
Go to a specific business page like https://gcaforums.com/business/gca-mortgage-group/ and then click on Inbox and send the message.
If you are not able to send the message there that’s mean admin of that business does want to receive message through inbox. So you can only send message if admin of business set setting on from setting -> Add Action Button .
Lou is going to think about setting up a eLearning Center For Computers for those who are not technologically savvy or does not know how to operate basic computers and are in need of computer skills.
For website, most important is server with cpanel with datbase and file manager, ssl.
After that in which plateform or programming language you want to run website like Html , CMS, .net etc
Layout or design of your website and content for your website.
When we access anything in computer , it generated many temporary files and we need to remove those to speed up your computer. below are step to remove or delete those temporary files
1. Write Run on Search area .
2. A window appeared , write %temp% and click Ok
3. Select all ( ctrl key+A )and click on delete key
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