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People with diabetes has a shorter lifespan. However, the lifespan depends on how the person takes care of their body. Does anyone know the average lifespan of a diabetic versus a person without diabetes?
What is the coronavirus pandemic? Is it true that the coronavirus pandemic was a man made weapon of mass destruction? What is true and what is fiction?
Is the coronavirus vaccine deadly? A lot of stories and reports that healthy individuals who got vaccinated dropped dead without any other reason except after taking the coronavirus vaccine.
It is so important when focusing on personal development to make sure you are also focused on your mindset. Your personal development plays a huge role in your success in wellness. Every thought becomes a feeling, the feeling leads to an action and that action leads to your result. If you want to change the result you must change the initial thought. This one simple awareness can lead to massive change. Pay attention to the reel that plays in your head daily. Is it positive, is it negative? You control the content, change it and you will change your life. Start by really paying attention to what your thoughts are, most of us don’t even know that we are having thoughts. It just is auto playing in the background. Start there and you’ll be surprised how much growth you can have just by changing a few simple things.
My blood results came back and the news was not good. Doctor said I have officially went from type two diabetic to type one. I am now taking insulin shots once a day. I cannot drink soda, no salt, non-fatty foods, and daily exercise. i have ignored the diabetes and just went about eating regular food and treats. Jolly ranchers, ice cream, steaks, greasy burgers, tons of diet soda. Time to grow up and take health a little more seriously. Looking to develop a diet and stick to it and an exercise program and daily routine.
Many people are getting diabetes. Diabetes is also known as a silent killer. Anyone explain the dangers of diabetes?
It is ridiculous how Healthcare costs are skyrocketing. Mortgage lending have caps for costs and fees such as the high cost rule. Borrowers cannot be charged more than 5% of the total cost of the loan which included third-party costs such as prepaid, escrow, homeowners insurance, title charges, etc. Compare the high cost cap to Healthcare. Especially prescription drugs.
Amazing message Kevin. Thank you for your faith and outlook in life and being a hero to us all. God Bless 🙏
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Travelers flying often should avoid body scanners. Body scanners has been proven to cause brain cancer. TSA workers are constantly getting diagnosed with cancer due to working with Body scanners. Passengers can request for a pat down versus a Body scan to avoid radiation.
Homeowners are often concerned what would happen to their property and the mortgage after the borrower dies. Here is a guide written on GCA Mortgage Group, Inc. about what happens to the mortgage after the borrower dies:
Who Is Responsible For The Mortgage After The Borrower Dies
The heirs are responsible for the mortgage after the borrower dies. If the heirs do not settle the mortgage, the lender sells the property.
Getting Old
I know we all heard the stories about aging, aging gracefully. Fifties the new forties, sixties the new fifties and seventies the new sixties. I’m here to tell you its all bullshit! I just turned seventy, my mind thinks I’m fifty, until I get down on the ground with out having a plan on how to get up.
Things happen gradually, when someone asks you if you can remember your childhood phone number, you proudly recite it with that smug look. However, you can’t remember the password you created yesterday. Another sign of getting old is when you think you lost your glasses, and their on top of your head. Can’t find your phone, you borrow some else’s to call your number and soon realize you can’t remember your cell number, but you remember you childhood phone number which isn’t doing you much good right now. You hope someone calls your cell. Then you remember its on mute because of too many telemarketers.
Walking into a room and forgetting why you walked into the room in the first place.
Its not all dismal, you try to save money and clip coupons, which you never use. You buy BOGOs and forget you have enough paper towels in the garage to clean up an oil spill in the ocean.
My all time favorite is watching a movie I have already seen. Half way through the movie it hits me, I’ve seen this movie before, but can’t remember the ending. So, I get to watch it all over again, just like a new movie. You walk past a bathroom and figure, what the hell, I might as well go while I’m here.
My tip on investing when you get old, don’t buy green bananas.
My dog is thirsty; he has been thirsty for the last three hours. His bowl is empty, and I don’t really care. My son took him on a long walk, and my dog returned very thirsty. His bowl can’t be more than three feet from me, yet I am unable to get up off my couch and replenish his water. Why? I have PTSD.
This is a crippling disorder that is not only mental and physical; it is a biological disorder. I never thought I would encounter something so physically and mentally disabling.
In brief, I was the first responder at a fatal, freaky accident that took the life of an innocent young girl younger than my daughters. An errant double axle tire came loose from a semi-truck and traveled 400 yards before crushing a girl to death, then bounced back at my wife and I. The tire destroyed our car and came within feet of killing us. I couldn’t save the girl. I carry that guilt.
I wrote a book about my experience some years ago, “Espiritus,” which helped set me on a new writing path to help me cope. Writing is my therapy. I always thought PTSD couldn’t affect me because I wasn’t a soldier who witnessed unspeakable things. PTSD is fairly new; in WW1, it was considered shell-shocked; in WW2, it was called battle fatigue. Vietnam introduced PTSD. Apparently, first responders, police, and firefighters can suffer as well. Anyone can suffer from this disorder. There is no cure, just ways of curbing the edge of this depression.
You go about your daily business, and suddenly you are derailed. There are many triggers.
The more you deny you suffer from PTSD, the worse it gets. Learning self-control of situations that suddenly hit you out of nowhere is something else that happens, and you need to find your “safe place” in your mind when this happens. I have a daily box of tools to delve into. My dog is one of my tools; he is extremely helpful. His unconditional love helps. My daily song for my bride releases my heart; planning and cooking dinner is great therapy, as well as long walks to sync my mind and body.
Finally, the most important part of my daily therapy is pausing several times each day to thank God for my wonderful life, followed by prayers for the young girl who died.
I support Wounded Warriors, and the proceeds from my book are donated to this worthy cause.
Thank you for reading my stories.
Peter Arcuri
A1C, or glycated hemoglobin, is a blood test that reflects average blood sugar levels over the past two to three months. It is often used to diagnose and monitor diabetes. The test measures the percentage of hemoglobin—the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells—that has glucose (sugar) attached to it.
When blood sugar levels are elevated, more glucose binds to hemoglobin, leading to a higher A1C level. The results are expressed as a percentage, with higher percentages indicating higher average blood sugar levels.
For people without diabetes, the normal range for A1C is typically below 5.7%. An A1C level between 5.7% and 6.4% may indicate prediabetes, while an A1C level of 6.5% or higher is often used to diagnose diabetes.
A1C testing is valuable for managing diabetes because it provides a longer-term view of blood sugar control compared to daily glucose monitoring. Healthcare professionals use A1C results to assess the effectiveness of diabetes treatment plans and make adjustments as needed. Regular monitoring of A1C levels is an important part of diabetes management.
Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that occurs when the body is unable to properly regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels. Glucose is the main source of energy for the cells in the body, and its levels are typically controlled by the hormone insulin. There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes:
Cause: It is an autoimmune condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
Onset: Usually occurs in childhood or adolescence.
Treatment: Requires lifelong insulin therapy through injections or an insulin pump.
Type 2 Diabetes:
Results from insulin resistance, where the body’s cells do not respond effectively to insulin, and the pancreas may not produce enough insulin to compensate.
Onset: Typically develops in adulthood, but it can occur at any age.
Treatment: Initially managed through lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, and medications may be prescribed. In some cases, insulin may also be required.
Symptoms of Diabetes:
Excessive thirst and hunger
Frequent urination
Unexplained weight loss
Slow healing of wounds
Blurred vision
Tingling or numbness in the extremities
Complications of Diabetes:
Cardiovascular problems
Kidney damage (diabetic nephropathy)
Eye damage (diabetic retinopathy)
Nerve damage (diabetic neuropathy)
Foot problems
Skin conditions
Increased risk of infections
Management and Prevention:
Healthy Lifestyle: Regular exercise and a balanced diet are crucial for managing diabetes.
Medication: Depending on the type and severity, medications such as insulin, oral hypoglycemic agents, or other injectable drugs may be prescribed.
Regular Monitoring: Regular blood sugar monitoring is essential for managing diabetes effectively.
Education: People with diabetes should be educated about the condition, its management, and the importance of consistent self-care.
It’s important for individuals with diabetes to work closely with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized management plan that suits their specific needs and lifestyle. Regular medical check-ups and adherence to the prescribed treatment plan are crucial for preventing complications and maintaining overall health.
This discussion was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by
Gustan Cho.
This discussion was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by
As a diabetic, I can provide you with some general information that may be helpful. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice tailored to your specific situation.
Managing diabetes involves making lifestyle changes that can help control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of complications. Here are some general tips:
Healthy Eating: Focus on a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit the intake of refined carbohydrates and sugars. Pay attention to portion sizes to help control blood sugar levels.
Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity, as it can help improve insulin sensitivity and control blood sugar levels. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, along with strength training exercises.
Weight Management: Losing excess weight, if overweight, can have a significant impact on blood sugar control. Work with a healthcare professional to establish realistic weight loss goals and strategies.
Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels: Regularly monitor your blood sugar levels as advised by your healthcare team. Keep a record of your readings to identify patterns and trends.
Medication Adherence: Take prescribed medications as directed by your healthcare provider. If you have concerns about your medications or experience side effects, discuss them with your healthcare team.
Stress Management: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or any activity that helps you relax. Chronic stress can affect blood sugar levels, so finding healthy ways to manage stress is important.
Regular Medical Check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare team to monitor your overall health and make adjustments to your diabetes management plan as needed.
Quit Smoking: If you smoke, consider quitting. Smoking can contribute to complications associated with diabetes.
Remember, diabetes management is highly individual, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s essential to work closely with your healthcare team to develop a personalized plan that meets your specific needs and circumstances.
This discussion was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by
Gustan Cho.
This discussion was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by
Many folks who enter their fifties suddenly notice how fast they age. Bags under their eyes is one of the most noticeable aging signs. South Korea is the most popular place for cosmetic surgery such as facial effects and tightening skins. He’s a very informative article about cosmetic surgery in South Korea.
Looking for a Beauty Refresh? South Korea Is the Destination for You
Fodor's provides expert travel content worth exploring so you can dream up your next trip. The world is a weird and wonderful place—we want to show you around.
Can you train a 40 year old person self-defense training? For example, if someone were to attack you, is it possible that you can train someone how to defend yourself from an aggressor and if so, can you do this type of training online and how long would it take?
Why do so many healthy young people with no health issues die after getting the coronavirus vaccine? There are so many reports of young healthy people with no prior health issues and in great shape drop dead after taking the COVID-19 vaccination. The media, politicians, and globalists are keeping hush and not reporting the fact that the coronavirus vaccine is a bio-weapon engineered to depopulate the world. Many globalists such as Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, the Rothchild Family, George Soros and his followers, and tens of thousands of Democrats believe the world need depopulation and believe in euthanizing older people. The coronavirus is not a deadly disease. The coronavirus is a man made virus and created and launched by Dr. Anthony Fauci.
James O’Keefe undercover with double agent whistle blower who tells it all. As time passes, there’s more evidence Pfizer was in cohoots with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the Rothschild Family, George Soros, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the liberals, and the Globalists in depopulate the world 🌎 with weapons weaponizing the coronavirus vaccine and using the COVID-19 Vaccine as a weapon of mass destruction. There is more and more evidence the coronavirus is man made headed by the evil 😈 Dr. Anthony Fauci with support of Bil Gates and the Globalists. Slowly but surely more people are coming out as whistle blowers and is revealing how the coronavirus vaccine is contributing to thousands of deaths among healthy young children and young adults who have taken the coronavirus vaccine and the boosters. Joe Biden Administration and the Democrats are still strongly pushing and encouraging people to still take the coronavirus vaccine and the boosters.
The Wellness Company (TWCHEALTH.COM) offers 30 critical life saving medications for round two of our plandemic. Be prepared.
Visit the Wellness Company which also known as The Wellness Company Health. Big Pharma does not want you to get a hold of lifesaving medications. Check out their website the the 30 critical life saving medications big pharma and the globalists does not want you and your loved one get access to. Here is the link:
What diet would you recommend to lose weight? Fruits, vegetables, salads, fish, nuts, or non-meat products? What type of exercise would be effective to burn calories and fat for someone with a heavy workload? Is there a simple workout program for adults or those who are older. I know the older you get the harder it is to lose weight. What triggers metabolism and not too difficult for people with a heavy appetite.
Like to welcome my Tim Cho of Cho Time Fitness to GCA FORUMS. Tim is my son and has been a champion wrestler in high school, and is a former professional mixed martial arts fighter. Time is also a drill sergeant in the United States Army reserves and does personal training, and coaches groups like local police departments and other agencies in defensive tactics. Tim is going to launch and run the eGym and Nutrion subforum under the HEALTH, WELLNESS, AND FITNESS FORUM here and will answer any questions viewers have about setting up a work out regiment, defensive tactics, and nutrition. His company, Cho Time Fitness is a one on one personal training curriculum. He is taking a working business model and plans on expanding his successful work out coaching program to those who want to be in the best health through regular exercise, and proper eating.
Doctors suggest to exercise for diabetics but many people have a busy schedule. Is there a sucessful workout regiment for diabetics with a heavy work schedule. Many people who are tied to computers and remote workers have a busy schedule they do not have the opportunity to execise. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
What type of gym equipment would you recommend for someone who lives in a small apartment and does not have a lot of room? Is there a universal gym equipment that works and is effective that does not cost an arm and a leg?
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