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Here’s breaking NEWS from PFIZER:
PFIZER released the list of side effects of the coronavirus vaccine and the so-called outcry by the “CONSPIRIST THEORISTS” that the COVID-19 VACs was a vaccine to depopulate the WORLD is now FACT and NOT FICTION. Attached, viewers can see the long list of side effects from the KILLER COVID-19 VACCINE which includes heart attack, and blood clots. PFIZER knowingly of the fatal side effects still released the COVID-19 vaccine. Now why the CEO and upper management of PFIZER refusing to get vaccinated makes total sense. Hopefully, Robert Kennedy, Jr and his team get to the bottom of this.
You cannot trust the media or the news these days. You definitely cannot trust politicians and that is a fact and fact checked. Is Global Warming real or a money making scheme for conspiracy theorists, politicians, and the media?
There has been a lot of talk about whether the coronavirus is a deadly virus? Has the coronavirus been made by man? Was the coronavirus created to be a weapon to depopulate the World? Did Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, The Rothchilds, George Soros, Barack Obama have anything to do with the creation and launch of the coronavirus? Why did so many healthy Americans die after taking the coronavirus vaccine? In this FORUM, we will get facts and stories about the coronavirus and try to get some sense into answering the question is the coronavirus a deadly virus.
Globalist and Democrats believe in depopulation especially Bill Gates, Joe Cheatin Lying Biden, Barack and Michael Robinson Obama
First President of the United States 🇺🇸 who is not potty trained and most incompetent cheating lying dementia Joe Lying Cheating Biden. Fake President of the United States. Joe Biden makes Jimmy Carter a great President Dementia Joe Cheatin Biden shits in his pants
Want to tell our members about Derrick Grayson and the video message I saw. I could not believe my ears to hear Mr. Derrick Grayson about all the questionable lies and theories from EVIL and politicians. I will not say too much until you all see Derrick Grayson podcast. You will NOT be disappointed.
This discussion was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by
Gustan Cho.
This discussion was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by
There are many conflicting questions and theories about who is Michelle Obama and what relationship is Michelle Obama to Michael Robinson? Is Michelle Obama Michael Robinson Obama? What does this mean for Barack Hussain Obama? Does this mean that Barack Hussain Obama is the first U.S. President married to a man? Or transgender? We need to have some transgender answers.
The San Diego and Mexico border is out of control. Illegal immigrants are just walking through the Mexico 🇲🇽 and San Diego Border through homeowners private property with the U.S. BORDER PATROL not being able to do a single thing. Illegal immigrants from Mexico, Honduras, China, Poland, Russia, and hundreds of countries are crossing the border with the US BORDER PATROL stating that its local police responsibility to arrest illegal aliens from crossing the San Diego border.
God created man and woman and nothing in between. Look at this video clip.
This discussion was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by
This discussion was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by
Climate change refers to long-term shifts and alterations in temperature and weather patterns, primarily driven by human activities. These changes can manifest over decades to millions of years and can result from natural factors as well. However, the current trend of climate change is largely attributed to anthropogenic factors. Here’s a detailed overview:
Causes of Climate Change
Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Released from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), deforestation, and various industrial processes.
- Methane (CH4): Emitted during the production and transport of coal, oil, and natural gas, as well as from livestock and other agricultural practices.
- Nitrous Oxide (N2O): Released from agricultural and industrial activities, as well as during fossil fuel combustion.
- Fluorinated Gases: Synthetic gases used in various industrial applications.
- Trees absorb CO2, and when they are cut down or burned, the carbon stored in them is released into the atmosphere.
Industrial Activities:
- Emissions from manufacturing and energy production contribute significantly to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Effects of Climate Change
Temperature Increases:
- The Earth’s average surface temperature has risen, leading to more frequent and intense heatwaves.
Melting Ice and Rising Sea Levels:
- Polar ice caps and glaciers are melting, contributing to rising sea levels.
- This poses a threat to coastal communities through increased flooding and erosion.
Extreme Weather Events:
- Increased frequency and severity of storms, hurricanes, and typhoons.
- More intense and prolonged droughts and floods.
Impact on Ecosystems and Biodiversity:
- Species migration and changes in the distribution of wildlife.
- Increased risk of extinction for many species unable to adapt to changing conditions.
Ocean Acidification:
- Increased CO2 absorption by oceans, leading to a decrease in pH levels, which affects marine life, particularly coral reefs.
Mitigation and Adaptation
- Reducing Emissions: Transitioning to renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydroelectric power.
- Energy Efficiency: Enhancing energy efficiency in buildings, vehicles, and industries.
- Carbon Sequestration: Planting trees and employing technologies to capture and store CO2.
- Infrastructure Resilience: Building infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events.
- Water Management: Developing strategies to cope with changes in water availability.
- Agricultural Practices: Adapting farming techniques to new climate realities.
Global Efforts and Agreements
Paris Agreement:
- An international treaty aiming to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, with efforts to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC):
- An international environmental treaty established to address climate change and its impacts.
This discussion was modified 9 months ago by
Gustan Cho.
There’s a lot of talk about how Democrats are trying to destroy America. What is the 16-Year Plan? How are the Democrats trying to destroy America 🇺🇸? Why was COVID created? How was coronavirus vaccine a weapon for human depopulation?
This discussion was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by
Gustan Cho.
This discussion was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by
If you ever question Nancy Pelosi or the Democrat Elites, you get automatically blacklisted. Democrat politicians cannot think on their own and need party approval. Otherwise you get blacklisted from the Democrat party. This is what happened to Hawaii Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Democrat party is evil 😈 and demons. Here is proof Democrat party is evil. Tulsi Gabbard and many good Democrats are leaving the Democrat party in droves.
There are many fake doctors that are celebrities. These so called celebrities use Dr. How many fake doctors are there. Is Dr. Jill Biden and Dr. Phil real doctors or fake doctors?
Who is this Anthony Fauci? Is he a medical doctor? Does he have a PhD? Does Anthony Fauci a real doctor? Is the information that Dr. Anthony Fauci worked for more than 50 years at the National Institutes of Health worked to manage U.S. public health crises, such as the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, the West Nile Virus outbreak in 2009, H1N1, Ebola, Zika and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), among others true? Did doctor Fauci was leading monster to have created and launched coronavirus and was in charge of developing the coronavirus vaccine to be used as a weapon of mass destruction? Did Dr. Fauci kill thousands of Beagle dogs to use them for lab testing purposes? Is Dr. Fauci a monster or a real doctor who wants to help people?
This discussion was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by
Danny Vesokie | Affiliated Financial Partners.
This discussion was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by
Is Joe Biden the head of the Biden Crime Family? Is Jim Biden, Joe Biden brother, a criminal? Did James Biden commit Healthcare fraud? Who is Jim Biden. Did Joe Biden know James Biden’s allegedly criminal activity?
Ed Why is the U.S. Currency becoming worthless? Why is the world no longer considering the U.S. Dollar the premium Currency of the free World? Why is the United States 🇺🇸 losing respect from the free world? Why is Joe Biden no respect and thought of as an idiot. Why is Kamala Harris not respected as the Vice president of the United States of America 🇺🇸. Why is Kamala Harris referred to as an idiot. What did Kamala Harris do that people around the world refer her as a slut and whore. Who is Big Mike? Why is Barack Obama referred to as gay? Is Barack Obama gay? Is Michelle Obama a man?
What is going on with this World 🌎 and especially in America. Human Beings Can NOW Set The Time and Day To Die. Need to read this story about a man setting the time and day of his death in Seattle Washington. The Death with Dignity Act refers to legislation that allows terminally ill adults to receive prescribed medication to end their life in a humane and dignified manner under specific circumstances. How long do you have to live in New Jersey to qualify for Death with Dignity? The answer is six months. The Act defines “terminally ill” as “the terminal stage of an irreversibly fatal illness, disease, or condition with a prognosis, based upon reasonable medical certainty, of a life expectancy of six months or less.
Here are some key points about Death with Dignity laws:
- Provides mentally capable, terminally ill adults the option of requesting a doctor’s prescription for life-ending medication if they meet certain criteria.
- Intended to allow these individuals to die on their own terms with a peaceful death if suffering becomes unbearable.
Common Provisions:
- Patient must be an adult resident of the state with a terminal illness diagnosis of 6 months or less to live.
- Patient must be judged mentally capable and acting voluntarily by two doctors.
- There is typically a waiting period and multiple requests required.
- Doctors, healthcare providers, and institutions can opt out of participating.
States with Death with Dignity Laws:
- Oregon was the first state to pass a Death with Dignity Act in 1997.
- Other states that have since passed similar laws include Washington, Vermont, California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, and Washington D.C.
Arguments in Favor:
- Provides terminal patients autonomy and relief from suffering at the end of life.
- Death with dignity is a personal choice for mentally sound individuals.
- Laws have safeguards and requirements meant to prevent abuse or coercion.
Arguments Against:
- Devalues human life and could lead to coercing people to end their lives prematurely.
- Possibility of wrongful terminal diagnoses or lack of available treatment options.
- Concern that vulnerable groups like the poor or disabled may feel pressured to choose death.
Debate continues around expanding or restricting such laws based on ethical, moral, and legal considerations in different states and countries.
This discussion was modified 11 months ago by
Gustan Cho.
In the face of death, a marriage and the party of a lifetime
The day he picked to die, Robert Fuller had the party of a lifetime.
What is the end of the world theory and the depopulation theory? Why does Bill Gates, Barack Obama, The Rothchild Family, George Soros, and the world’s globalists believe in euthanizing people older than 70 years old and depopulation?
Joe Rogan has an interview with a guest speaker who is discussing the end of the world
There’s a lot of talk about how 5G cause brain damage, change people’s personality, and even death. I have attached a shocking video about 5G that is alarming and needs to get addressed. Bill Gates is mentioned on the video and his mission to depopulate the World with euthanization through 5G. A must watch.
Lets have a look into the 5G grid
Why did Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton set up the Clinton Foundation? Why did Jeffrey Epstein donate millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and Haiti. Why did Bill Clinton frequent Haiti so much. Was Oprah Winfrey school for girls in Haiti? Was Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein the common denominator here? Here’s what Award Winning Liz Crokin has to say:
Is one race better than another? Does being Asian make you smarter than being of Latino descent? Are Arabs more violent than Jews? Do people of dark skin race have lower IQ? John Stossel interviews Charles Murray and you will be surprised on what he had to say
Candace Owens exposes Barack Obama and Michael Robinson Obama. Barack Obama is the worst President of the United States 🇺🇸 far worse than former President Jimny Carter and thinks he’s the only President without a scandal in his two terms of the United States Presidency which is blatant lie. His scandals is slowly coming out and will be exposed.
There are many conflicting questions and theories about the COVID-19 Vaccine. Why is it that so many healthy people are dropping dead after taking the coronavirus vaccine? WHY is Joe Biden and his administration pushing so hard for Americans to get vaccinated? WHY is the federal, state, and local government requiring government employees to get vaccinated or they would get terminated. I think there are two sides to this topic and need the facts. The media has a coverup and that is a fact. Why are members of the United States Military required to get vaccinated? Why are the Globalist and Satanist like George Soros, Bill Gates, The Rothschild Family, Barack Obama and Michael Robinson Obama, the Clinton’s promoting getting vaccinated and depopulation. Please state your comments.
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