Lee Kramer
Wholesale LenderForum Replies Created
One more thing on unsecured funding: with the exception of financing companies, funds are available for any industry.
Hello everyone,
In introducing unsecured funding to the group, I thought it might be helpful to provide bullet points describing the two kinds of funding vehicles that are available:
1. Revenue-based business loan or line of credit (for existing businesses)
• No minimum FICO score, no collateral
• No limit on funding amount
• Amount received: based on 10-15% average monthly revenue
• Rate: 12-24% per year
• No pre-payment penalties: only pay interest for the months used
2. Unsecured loan for startups and businesses with low revenue
· Requires 680 credit scores
· Monthly payments on 5-year term loan with 9-14% rate
· $50,000 to $250,000 in funding
· Co-signors are allowed for clients who don’t qualify
· No time in business or revenue requirements
In both cases, the funds can be used for any purpose and can be available in as little as one week. Although most often used for things like working capital and inventory, this funding can also be used for debt consolidation.
Hi Danny,
Thanks for your interest in our unsecured business loan program. We look to place businesses with actual loans as opposed to MCA’s. Rather than a factor rate, there is an 12-28% interest rate, with a term of 12-24 months. We look to get monthly payments for stronger businesses, and at worst, weekly payments for weaker ones. No pre-payment penalties and no liens of any kind. No restrictions on what the funds can be used for and the only industry we can’t fund is used car sales. Thanks. Lee Kramer 301-495-899