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Lennar Homes are slashing their new home prices by 25% in 2024. CEO of Lennar admits their mortgage division is experiencing delinquencies and a higher number of debt to income ratio from consumers. Lennar Homes is America’s second largest New Home Builder.
Most police officers are law abiding true heroes. However, there are always a few bad apples like you see on this video. Know your constitutional God given rights, folks
Inflation is screaming 😱 out of control. Many people who are very conservative have been saving money for years if not decades. What is the best way to invest money during periods of out of control Inflation?
You should have chold lock if you have children
Here is an informative article on how mortgage lenders price mortgage rates based on credit scores.
How Lenders Price Mortgage Rates Versus Credit Scores
The way lenders price mortgage rates versus credit scores is the lower the credit scores, the higher the mortgage rates due to risk for the lender
There are instances when mortgage underwriters will require reserves from borrowers. What does reserves mean? Can equity in the home or 401k be used for reserves? How about if you have a paid off vehicle or precious metals? Or what if you have hard core cash. Can those be used for reserves?
When Cops crossed the line and violate a citizens civil and constructional rights, they will lose their jobs and get arrested, charged and sued. They are not above the law.
Many folks who enter their fifties suddenly notice how fast they age. Bags under their eyes is one of the most noticeable aging signs. South Korea is the most popular place for cosmetic surgery such as facial effects and tightening skins. He’s a very informative article about cosmetic surgery in South Korea.
Looking for a Beauty Refresh? South Korea Is the Destination for You
Fodor's provides expert travel content worth exploring so you can dream up your next trip. The world is a weird and wonderful place—we want to show you around.
By June 2023, over 60,000 Mortgage Loan Originators have left the mortgage industry due to inflation, surging mortgage rates, skyrocketing homes prices, regulations, and low housing inventory. Another 50,000 loan officers are not expected to renew their loan origination licenses. Being a loan officer is not the most glamorous career today. Thousands of mortgage companies have or are thinking of leaving the Mortgage Industry. Rates are at historic high, the secondary market is unstable, lenders are scared to lend, economists are forecasting a housing market crash, inflation is soaring daily, and the Federal Reserve Board is absolutely clueless. So is now the time to be in the mortgage industry?
Hunanity with Hunter Biden. RThere is no end with the Biden Crime Family. Joe Biden and Hunter Biden is blatantly committing crimes which hurt the country and is very obvious. Crimes against the people of the United States 🇺🇸 and what is the Department of Justice doing about it? Absolutely nothing. Richard Nixon alleged crimes is nothing compared to Joe Biden crimes against humanity. Hunter Biden flew on Airforce two with his father to Eukraine, China, and other countries to extort and bribe officials of state. Here is Jesse Waters on the Joe Biden Crime Family
This discussion was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by
Gustan Cho.
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It’s bad enough getting pulled over for a traffic infraction by a police officer but how would you feel getting pulled over by police impersonators. What luck huh!!!
If you're ever pulled over by this man, drive off... 😨
Bidenomics is destroying our economy and inflation is going through the roof, prices at the grocery store is becoming unaffordable, interest rates are soaring with no signs of green light at the end of the tunnel. What is a family with children and pets supposed to do. Many people are putting their beloved dogs and cats up for adoption because they can no longer afford food and veterinary care for them. The only solution that may help but not solve the economic problems we are facing is planting your own garden. $100,000 salary is no longer high income. You cannot survive with $100,000 salary if you have a family. Most people no longer can afford a house due to home prices soaring out of control and mortgage rates in the 7 percent range with the Democrats and Globalists saying we had a soft landing and Joe Biden Bidenomics was the magic pill that stopped a recession and economic nightmare. Bidenomics is a crock of shit and enough is enough with false economic fake news and propaganda the liberal lunatics are trying to brainwash the American people. Many people are hesitant to plan a Garden because of the Chem trails. Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, Bill Gates, The Rothschild Family, George Soros, Chuck Schumer, and countess Democrats and Globalists are trying to destroy America, depopulate the world, and restrict the food and Housing Supply. Look at the false manipulated stock market. Look at how they are printing money that is not backed by any source of assets. Anyways, here is an informative guide on starting your own garden Bed.
30 Free DIY Raised Garden Bed Plans (PDF Instructions)
Find 30 free diy raised garden bed plans (pdf instructions) that contain step-by-step instructions on how to build a raised garden bed.