Discussions tagged with 'Commercial Loan Officer Commission Structure'
Here is the suggested Q&A:
What is the commission rate for a self-gen commercial loan originator?
The commission rate for a self-gen commercial loan originator is 50% of broker revenue from funded loans.
What is the commission rate for a Com-Gen Commercial Loan Originator?
The commission rate for a Com-Gen Commercial Loan Originator is 35% of broker revenue from funded loans.
What is the commission rate for an internal referral?
The commission rate for an internal referral is 15% of broker revenue from funded loans.
Is there a cap on commission earnings for commercial loan originators?
No, there are no caps on commission earnings for Commercial Loan Originators.
What is the commission rate for a commercial loan processor?
The commission rate for a Commercial Loan Processor is 10% of broker revenue from funded loans.
What is the monthly cap on commission earnings for a commercial loan processor?
The monthly cap on commission earnings for a commercial loan processor is $7,000.
What is the production bonus for a commercial loan processor?
For commission earnings exceeding the $7,000 commission cap, a commercial loan processor will receive a payout at 5% of broker revenue for funded loans.
What is the commission rate for a closer/funder/recorder?
The commission rate for a closer/funder/recorder is 5% of broker revenue from funded loans.
What is the production bonus for a closer/funder/recorder?
For commission earnings exceeding the $7,000 commission cap, a closer/funder/recorder will receive a payout at 2.5% of broker revenue for funded loans.
What is the commission rate for a referrer?
The commission rate for a referrer is 15% of broker revenue up to $1,000 per file
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