Discussions tagged with 'Incompetent Politicians'
Many of you heard the term Soft Landing in our economy. Most consumers never literally lived through a horrific downturn of the U.S. economy as the economic turmoil we are going through now. Our economy today is worse than the 2008 financial, credit, and real estate crisis of 2008 by a long shit. The financial and real estate meltdown of 2008 is a thunderstorm compared to today’s Category FOUR HURRICANE comparison in our economy. However, the biggest liars such as Jim Kramer of CNBC, Joe Biden, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell is all telling us that inflation is in check and we had a soft landing and the economy is just fine. These incompetent liars are absolutely clueless and all they are great at is printing money. Inflation, housing, job, CPI, and other economic numbers are all a lie and we are not even close for our economy that is in turmoil to have a soft landing. Remember this year is an election year and the nasty incompetent politicians need to get reelected so they can follow in Joe Biden’s footsteps in being a tenured career politician being an incompetent politician for over 50 years without having one single job in the private sector.
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