Discussions tagged with 'Nobody Retires Up North'
Florida the land of retirees, oranges and Mickey Mouse. For years Florida has been a safe haven for old folks. The weather is ideal once you get passed hurricanes and alligators. Every state requires acclimation. When I lived in the mountains the air was thinner so it took time to get acclimated. Water takes longer to boil. When I lived in the city everything moved fast. Florida you think moves slow, well let me inform you it doesn’t. Maybe back in the day, but lately the traffic is out of hand. The influx of norther people has changed the state. No longer grandma and grandpa, big corporation set up shop. During Co-Vid when we were isolated, working remotely seemed to be the answer. It’s true the weather is great in the south. But where is the south? The Mason Dixon Line actually borders Pennsylvania. I guess south Philly is really the south. Whereas Florida is really in the south, Key West being the southern most point of the USA. How about the Deep South? Alabama and Mississippi, you can’t get anymore south as far as culture. You know you’re in the south when you start saying, “Y’All.” The food is different, the music is also different. My big acclimation has been the bugs. Have you ever seen mosquitoes in Louisiana? They can swoop down and pick up a little dog. Being Italian and loaded with that wonderful aroma of garlic I thought I was immune. No way! Roaches as big as mice, you’ll always know when its humid, they suddenly appear everywhere. Rats, yep we got them too, fruit rats, sounds much nicer than sewer rats. Lizards are everywhere, they used to be a bright green color like the Geico lizard. Then black northern lizards moved in and ate the green guys, evolution? Housing prices have doubled in the past five years, gas and food are at an all time high. The cost of living is so high for us elderly that we see every mouth our savings dwindle. $500.000 for a shack, but it has location. I have been checking the prices of houses in Pennsylvania lately. Some Florida half million dollar shack is $250,000. Maybe I’ll trade in my suntan lotion for a snow shovel and retire up north.
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