Discussions tagged with 'pedophiles'
Jeffrey Epstein has made international news as the pedophile of the stars. Famous people like Former President Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, Oprah Winfrey, AL Gore, Kathy Griffin, Charlie Sheen, Dustin Hoffman, Henry Kizinger, Dan Sneider, George Mitchell, Naomi Campbell, Phil Campbell, Steven Colbert, Sean Carter, Alec Baldwin, Dustin Hoffman, Phil Collins, Sreven Spielberg, Kevin Spacey, Joan Rivers, Charlie Rose, Seth Green, Tom Hanks, Ralph Fenese, Janice Dixon, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, Richard Brandson, and several hundred politicians, actors, and CEOs of large corporations. So who is this king of pedophiles and pedophiles who befriended this child molester and monster. Here is a 60 minute special on who Jeffrey Epstein is
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