Discussions tagged with 'Refnance'
That’s it, I’m looking to refinance. Initially quoted me a 30-year fixed at 6.5% in March, but when the underwriters got through with me it was a 30-year interest-only with 8.25%. Not happy! Nevertheless, my lender – LendingTree.com- grants returning customers a refinance at NO costs.
The general situation is here. Any advice appreciated.
I owe CC debt approx $60K (AVG. APR 6.5%)
I have Interest only Home loan (8.25% $366K, 100% financing)
I earn 7K/month
Net Current monthly liabilities $6,200 (cc payments, mortgage, insurance, etc)
I have cash of $20K
Credit score 680What to do with the cash? Am I to pay off some of my CC debt to boost my credit score or make a down payment to get a better mortgage? How about buying points, and which way is the lending market looking to go within the next 6 months?
Viewing 1 of 1 discussions