Discussions tagged with 'Short-Sale Process'
What is the purpose of a short sale of a home? What does it mean by a short-sale in real estate? Can you give a case scenario of a short-sale in real estate? Do real estate agents get paid on a short-sale? Can you go over several case scenarios of the short-sale real estate process? Can a person qualify for a new mortgage after they had a short-sale on a home? What do homebuyers need to know about short-sales? Risks and rewards of buying a short-sale home. Is short-sale bad for the homebuyer? Is it a good idea to buy a short sale house? What is the difference between a short-sale versus a foreclosure? What are the eligibility requirements on getting for a mortgage loan after a short-sale and foreclosure? What are the different loan programs I can qualify for and get pre-approved after a short-sale and foreclosure?
Viewing 1 of 1 discussions