BMO HARRIS: Salem, Wisconsin Branch
I guess I am going to fess up what happened yesterday. Saturday mornings is hectic for me. First, I live in a rural area, Brighton, Wisconsin which is close to the Illinois and Wisconsin border. Instead of garbage workers picking up weekly trash once a week, I many residents in my town go to the town hall parking lot where two large garbage truck is parked to collect the townspeople trash. I was going to blow off going to the dump at town hall but got notice that my Chase bank account was overdrawn. I got a BMO Harris account too but did not know how to Zelle from one account from one bank to a different account in a different bank. I said fuck it and I might as well go to the dump if I had to go to BMO HARRIS to learn how to use Zelle. I packed my SUV full of my weekly garbage and headed off to town hall to have the sanitary workers unlead the garbage. I then head of to BMO Harris which was about seven miles from town hall in Salem, Wisconsin. I did not realize that I did not have online banking and you cannot open a Zelle account at two different banks with the same email address. I arrived at BMO Harris Salem, Wisconsin branch around 10:30 am. I was greeted by Kylie at the customer teller counter. Kylie analyzed my checking and savings accountd and was dumbfounded for a little while. She then got assistance from her colleague Shannon. They both try to rigure it out themselves and something was not adding up. Therefore, they contacted the regional help desk center of BMO Harris in front of me and got to investigate why I had an online account but could not use it and why I could not send a $77 dollar overdraft I owed Chase. Banks normally close at 12 pm or 1 pm on Saturdays. Kylie and Shannon diligently worked very hard to get me all set up. The reason why my Zelle account at BMO Harris would not work was because my online banking was not quite set up. Kylie and Shannon set up my online banking, set up my Zelle account, and updated all of my digital online banking information such as the current email address, personal cell number, and ordered new checks. Frank at the teller counter has also helped. I have dealt with Frank for over a year at the Salem Wisconsin Branch of the Salem, Wisconsin Branch. I am sold now why BMO Harris Bank has such a great reputation. It is the people that make a great company and now I know why. Like to commend upper management for having such a great team of professionals at BMO Harris Salem, Wisconsin.