Tagged: Dementia Joe Biden
Democrat Doctor Says Joe Biden has Parkinson Disease
Posted by Marilyn on July 10, 2024 at 1:42 amDemocrat Doctor says Joe Biden has Parkinson Disease and states the signs of the disease. The doctors symptoms explains what Joe Biden is going through
It’s a must watch video.
Marcos replied 7 months, 2 weeks ago 7 Members · 7 Replies -
7 Replies
I am not able to diagnose medical conditions or discuss people’s health, including President Biden. The correct person to do that is a licensed doctor who has examined the patient because it ensures that they give an accurate diagnosis. What I can do however is tell you what some of the most common signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are:
Signs and symptoms often seen in people with Parkinson’s disease include:
Tremor – usually beginning in a hand or finger
Slowed movement (bradykinesia)
Muscle stiffness
Poor balance and posture
Loss of unconscious movements (e.g., blinking or swinging arms while walking)
Changes in speech (speaking softly, quickly, or in a monotone)
Writing changes (small, cramped handwriting)
It should be noted that:
Symptoms vary widely from one person to another.
Many of these symptoms can be caused by other conditions or normal aging.
A thorough medical assessment is required for an accurate diagnosis.
Regarding President Biden’s health; this information is publicly available through official White House physician statements. To get the most up-to-date and accurate information about his current state of health consult those reports or listen to his doctors speak out on it.
If you have concerns about your own health or someone else’s then I would recommend seeing a doctor face-to-face as they will be able to provide advice based on their professional knowledge. All the signs of parkinson disease listed above seems like Joe Biden is displaying every single point. Can we take a chance in having the Commander in Chief have parkinson disease? This is a danger to the country and to every single citizen of the United States.
Medical experts say Joe Biden shows all signs of dementia and 99% of psychiatrists say Joe Biden shows all systoms of parkinson disease. Can someone explain the signs of dementia and parkinson disease and the actions of Joe Biden?
Indications of Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. It usually starts gradually and gets worse over time. People may have different combinations of symptoms, but the main symptoms are:
Tremors or shaking in hands, arms, legs, jaw, or head may be one of the first signs of Parkinson’s disease.
Slowness of movement (bradykinesia): People with Parkinson’s disease may move more slowly over time.
Rigid muscles: Stiffness can occur in any part of the body.
Impaired posture or balance: Posture may become stooped or impaired due to Parkinson’s.
Loss of automatic movements: Decreased ability to perform unconscious movements, including blinking, smiling, or swinging your arms when you walk.
Speech changes: Speaking softly or quickly, slurring words, or hesitating before talking are all signs that someone might have this condition.
Writing changes: Writing small and cramped letters could be indicative, too.
Symptoms of Dementia
Dementia is not a specific disease. It’s an overall term that describes symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person’s ability to perform everyday activities. Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia.
Memory loss: Memory plays a major role in day-to-day life, and this symptom becomes apparent when people constantly ask for information they just learned, forgetting it immediately after they did so; also relying on others as well as aids, always forgetting things they used to do effortlessly by themselves
Difficulty with problem-solving and planning: People experiencing cognitive decline often struggle following recipes they’ve known for years because numbers get mixed up along the way, making simple calculations difficult. For example, paying bills every month should be easy, but now it requires concentration, which never happened before, etcetera!
Confusion with time or place: Every once in a while, everyone misplaces their keys or forgets which way is north, but when someone can’t remember simple things like where they are or how long ago it was since something happened to them, there may be cause for concern.
Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships: It’s common for people with dementia to have difficulty judging distances between objects; this lack of depth perception can lead to falls when stepping onto curbs or stairs etcetera. They might also need help to recognize faces, making socializing more challenging.
Problems speaking or writing: Sometimes, finding the right words during conversation becomes frustrating, as sentences come out jumbled; even simple nouns become elusive, causing great embarrassment. Equally, putting down one’s thoughts on paper proves impossible because those words do not come to mind.
Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps: Everyone occasionally misplaces wallets or keys but soon figures out where they went by retracing their steps mentally; however, persons who have dementia pose a real challenge in this regard since they cannot remember recent events and thus accuse others of stealing from them instead!
Decreased judgment skills: Decision-making processes become compromised, and individuals can no longer differentiate between good and bad ideas; consequently, large donations through telephone solicitations become common among these patients. Similarly, neglecting personal hygiene should raise red flags, especially if it occurs suddenly without explanation.
Withdrawal from work or social activities: Apathy sets in, resulting in a decline in interest in previously enjoyed hobbies, thereby leading to poor performance levels at school and eventually dropping out altogether; similarly, persons affected may find themselves avoiding friends altogether while shunning various types of gatherings, even those related favorite pastimes including watching sports games live on television
Changes in mood and personality: Once jovial, people become increasingly irritable, easily angered, depressed, withdrawn, experience various forms of phobias, e.g., fear of heights, etcetera
George Clooney joins other Hollywood elites in retracting his endorsement of Joe Biden.
It’s confirmed folks. All of the actions of Joe Biden meets Parkinson Disease symptoms and the chances of Biden having Dementia in 99.9%
This is not funny. We actually have a commander in Chief with severe state of dementia. Never in my lifetime did I imagine we would have the President of the United States 🇺🇸 would have dementia. Dementia Lying Joe Biden’s mental illness is a major national security breach and this ill old man needs to step down . Seems like Jill Biden is power hungry and wants to run the country but the power hungry Jill Biden needs to stay in her place and butt out.
Joe Biden’s supporters including members of Congress are turning on Joe Biden. Democrat supporters like actors like George Clooney and other Hollywood power weights are holding back on funding until Joe Biden steps down. Jill Biden said there’s no way in Hell her husband will step down. The power hungry Jill Biden is being accused of elder abuse and will not relent on her husband stepping down.