Do we love our pets too much?
Posted by Peter on July 7, 2024 at 11:13 amDo we love our pets too much?
Two-thirds of the people in the United States have pets. If they all voted, they would be the majority. This is a 138 billion-dollar business with nearly 40 million pets.
We treat our pets like members of the family; we have pet spas, pedicures, jewel-studded collars, and boutique hotels disguised as kennels. They are not family; they are animals, and I am one of those pet owners.
Years ago, animals stayed outside; barnyard dogs and stray cats were everywhere. Cats came and went whenever they wanted. Now we have scientific studies and biological proof of why we love our pets. Wounded Warriors has dogs available to vets because dogs understand. A dog will love you more than they love themselves, an unconditional love found nowhere else.
The problem with pets is that they never grow up; they remain children, and we treat them as such. Your pet animals get expensive, and we spend thousands of dollars to keep them alive and healthy. We wheel them outside to do their business and think nothing of it. When do we end their misery? Do we keep them alive because of selfishness?
When you decide to get a dog, or a cat, for that matter, it is a lifelong commitment. What happens when you decide that you made a mistake? Bringing the dog back causes psychological issues; the dog feels abandoned. Fido gave all of himself to you, and you abandoned him. The dog may have a problem with trust; all they want to do is love and please you.
I have had many dogs in my life; my current dog now is 12 years old, and I have sworn to him that I will be with him until his last breath. I know he is here for me until mine.
Gustan Cho replied 8 months, 2 weeks ago 9 Members · 13 Replies -
13 Replies
Why do we love our pets so much? Let’s take a look at what might be behind this strong affection: No strings attached: Pets give us unconditional love and don’t judge us. They don’t care about our looks, social status or past mistakes. Friendship and emotional support: With their constant presence, animals can help ward off loneliness. They often provide solace during hard times too.
Relief from stress and better mental health: Playing with or petting an animal can help decrease anxiety levels and lift spirits by releasing oxytocin — the so-called “cuddle hormone.” It also lowers blood pressure.
Regularity and meaning in life: Looking after another living thing brings routine into our daily grind, which gives us purpose as well as nurtures responsibility towards others.
Physical wellbeing: People who have dogs especially tend to get more exercise through walking them or playing together outside.
Empathy without words: Some individuals find it easier to relate non-verbally; thus they may find comfort in knowing that their emotions are understood even when unexpressed – something only pets seem capable of doing always…
Always being there for you: While everything else around may change unpredictably, your cat snoozing on a windowsill will never let go of its favorite spot.
It’s uncomplicated: Relationships between humans are complex affairs where various factors come into play but when it comes down to it nothing beats simplicity found within just having two beings share space together…
Fulfilling motherly instincts: By feeding kittens one fulfills her nurturing instinct while satisfying other people’s desire for self-affirmation through caring about something smaller than themselves
Reminders of childhoods past / nostalgia : Many people associate warm memories [of being] kids themselves around certain types (or individual) animals [like rabbits]; hence grown-ups still appreciate these furry friends very much indeed!
Social lubricants: Interactions with furry creatures often ease otherwise awkward encounters between strangers or acquaintances who find relating hard
Loyal beyond measure: An animal friend’s unwavering fidelity can be an emotionally satisfying experience for its human companion — dogs are best known for this quality.
Skinship / touching: In an era when touch among humans may seem fraught with peril, there is no safer way to express physical affection than through stroking a pet’s fur – even though it does not always convey what we want them know…
Ears without judgment: Sometimes people don’t need someone telling them how their life should go but just looking at another living creature which listens unconditionally without offering advice or criticism…
It is a captivating and multifaceted subject in which multitude of people hold vehement views. You have brought up an interesting point about the number of pets kept as companion animals in America being seen as an industry. On one hand, animals can offer friendship to their owners, emotional comfort or even health benefits. Most individuals develop deep attachments with their pets and consider them part of their families; thus this close relationship often makes one feel like taking care of the other person.
Nevertheless, there are concerns that some pet owners treat their animals like humans or spend too much money on unnecessary luxuries for them. This might be considered as misplaced priorities especially in light of broader societal problems or human needs elsewhere.
Some points to consider are the economic impacts: You mentioned that there is big business involved when it comes to keeping domesticated animals which may lead to innovation but also wasteful spending.
Animal welfare: More focus on pets could result into improved care standards leading better health outcomes for all animals kept as companionship by humans.
Psychological effects: Pets provide great emotional support but over-reliance on them could prove unhealthy for certain people who need to learn how stand alone at times without depending so much on others including non-human beings such cats dogs rabbits etcetera .
Cultural shifts: Pet ownership reflects changes within family structures and wider social networks among different communities across time .
Ethical considerations: Whether should we breed or adopt breeds debate around where resources should go between taking care after abandoned stray dogs cats birds other creatures compared with say building hospitals schools homes for less fortunate children elderly persons etcetera needs more attention given limited availability funds globally today.
This is a matter that does not have any simple answers. As someone who has kept pets themselves you may want think about how one can strike balance between looking after them well and going overboard with pampering.
Peter, this is a very important post that you will get people with different thoughts, beliefs, and opinions on this subject matter. To be frank with you, you can find a lot about people from they way their ideology is on what they think, believe, and treat pets. I just cannot understand to this day how anyone can give up a dog or cat up for adoption after getting them since they were eight weeks old after the pet is over a year old. Do people realize how terrified, insecure, and vulnerable the pet will be? Our dogs and cats rely on us to provide them food, shelter, healthcare, financial and emotional security, love, and the faith and trust their human owners will be their for them til death part them apart. We can extend on this main forum with subforums about my experience with my dogs and how we communicate with each other and how each pet dog of mine has a distinct uniquie personality. This holds true no matter what the type of breed they are. Like anything in the world, if you are not willing to commit to caring, providing, and loving the pet you are about to get, DON’T ADOPT. How would you like if one or both of your parents have given you up to a complete stranger or an orphanage when you were seven years olds and never see you again. In Christmas 2002, I decided to get my three children a small toy poodle for Christmas. I saw an ad in the paper and drove to the breeder which was only 30 minutes away. Went there after one of my many office Christmas parties so I was lit. When I got there to purchase a toy poodle, I see ten little mouse size 8 week old toy poodle pups all begging me to take them with them. I paid for the toy poodle I was going to purchase, I see nine other little pups just staring at me with their sad eyes. I could not resist and just said WTF, you all are coming home with me. I left a cold December Chicago Winter evening with ten of the most precious living angels God created and brought me ten to fifteen years of unconditional love, happiness, laughs, and of course tears. All my babies look similar and some looked alike. However, every single pup had its own personality. Amazing how dogs are like human expect they do not know how to deceive, lie, cheat, steal, and turn on you like humans. I do not care what anyone says, but anyone who mistreats or do not love animals are not good people. I will post pictures of my little fur family later. I have a story for every one of my dogs.
This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by
Gustan Cho. Reason: Forgot image
This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by
Gustan Cho. Reason: Forgot image
Very important people understand the feelings of the animal, all animals that you get close to want love in their own way. Horses, whales, bears and lions. Regardless, that they may be wild, they still need love.
This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by
Analyzing ten little poodle dogs is an amazing way for us to learn more about dog personalities as well as behavior. Many owners and trained animal behaviorists have found the same thing you did about individuality in pups. Some may say that I am not at all surprised by these findings because they know what dogs are like; however, others might be shocked to hear this news because it goes against everything that they believed in or may have thought was true.
From this point of view, your comment on unique personalities amongst animals aligns with many pet owners’ and animal behaviorists’ observations. We can see a lot of different personality types when we look at dogs just like how humans do too – it all depends on genetics, early life experiences as well influences from society around them while growing up such other dogs or even people!
Analyzing ten little poodle dogs is an amazing way for us to learn more about dog personalities as well as behavior. Many owners and trained animal behaviorists have found the same thing you did about individuality in pups. Some may say that I am not at all surprised by these findings because they know what dogs are like; however, others might be shocked to hear this news because it goes against everything that they believed in or may have thought was true.
From this point of view, your comment on unique personalities amongst animals aligns with many pet owners’ and animal behaviorists’ observations. We can see a lot of different personality types when we look at dogs just like how humans do too – it all depends on genetics, early life experiences as well influences from society around them while growing up such other dogs or even people!
You’ve made a crucial point about what it means to recognize individuality in dogs. Now, let’s explore the practical applications:
Training Dogs:
Personalized Techniques: Trainers can adjust their methods to fit each dog’s personality, how they learn best and what motivates them most.
Patience and Flexibility: Knowing that every dog learns differently makes for productive training and less frustration.
Positive Reinforcement: When rewards are tailored to suit an individual’s preferences, training works better.
Adopting Dogs:
Better Matchmaking: Shelters have higher success rates at placing pets if they consider compatibility between a dog’s personality and the people who want to adopt them—not just breed or looks.
More In-Depth Profiles: Giving potential owners more detailed information about adoptable animals’ personalities helps them make smarter choices.
Support After Adoption: Understanding a pup’s unique qualities helps new parents get through those first few weeks smoothly!
Therapy with Canines:
Specialist Roles: Some dogs may be better-suited than others when matched up against specific therapeutic needs based on natural traits & strengths alone.
Increased Effectiveness: Selecting the right therapy dogs for clients’ differing requirements should result in improved outcomes for both sides involved in this process – four-legged healers benefit too!
Wider Range Of Usefulness: Recognizing that there are many different “kinds” of canine personalities could lead us into uncharted territories within animal-assisted interventions (AAIs)
Fixing Behavioral Problems:
Root Causes Diagnosis – Sometimes we need help finding out why our furry friends act out; being aware of their special individualities can be useful when trying to determine causes behind bad behavior displayed by any particular pet;
Custom Approaches – Each pup requires unique treatment plans so as not only address distinct problems but also account for various triggers which might set off unwanted conduct changes;
Enrichment Activities:
Tailored Fun – Toys and other playthings which align with personal interests will undoubtedly make life more enjoyable for any dog;
Keeping The Mind Busy – Puzzles & challenges should be tailored towards a pooch’s cognitive style since this will keep them mentally engaged throughout solving such problems thus leaving them feeling satisfied afterwards.
Reducing Stress Levels: Having an idea about what makes a given animal tick can enable vets as well as owners come up with ways that are less anxiety-inducing during medical procedures;
Treatment Modifications – There might be some aspects of care like rehabilitation exercises or drug administration which could have been adjusted depending on the patient’s character (dog’s temperament).
Working Dog Selection:
Better Fits: Knowing individuals better may lead to improved job matching and success rates when seeking out candidates for service dogs, police K9s or search-and-rescue operations among others.
Research & Study:
Deepened Knowledge Base – Acknowledging that dogs have differing personalities opens new doors into studying areas such as emotions, cognition levels and social conduct among other things;
Human-Canine Relationships:
Stronger Bonds – Dogs are known for being man’s best friends; however, it is only through recognizing their uniqueness that we can truly understand just how deep these connections go;
Enhanced Communication – People who understand what certain qualities mean in canines will always find it easier interpreting signals from pets thereby responding appropriately at all times.
Public Education:
Creating Empathy: Teaching society about the individuality of our furry friends nurtures compassion towards animals in general but specifically those closest to us – dogs!
Responsible Ownership: This enlightenment calls upon people everywhere to be more thoughtful when making decisions related to pet ownership regardless whether they live alone or with kids around.
So true, Peter. You are so very much correct. The emotional lives of animals are intricate and often undervalued. This is a deep and significant statement about the nature of animals and their ability to connect emotionally. Let’s talk more about this:
The global need for love: Emotional needs are something that all creatures share regardless of species. Even non-domesticated animals long for affectionate relationships.
Animals’ Emotional Intelligence: Many types show a high level of emotional understanding. They can forge powerful bonds with individuals who belong to different breeds.
Wildness does not prevent them from needing tender care: Positive contacts remain important even with beasts like bears, lions or whales. Although these necessities might look different in the case of tamed animals, they still exist.
Unique Characters: Each living thing has its own character no matter what kind it belongs too. This personal feature impacts on how one shows or accepts love shown towards them
Positive human-animal interactions benefits include where it reduces stress levels both in people and their pets. Contributes to better physical as well as mental health for both sides involved
Significance in saving wildlife efforts: Knowing what other creatures feel can help us come up with humane ways of conserving them better.
Again, the awareness may arouse interest among masses towards protecting natural habitats where these beings thrive most such parks or forests etcetera
Ethical concerns involved around animal treatment especially when considering places like zoos, labs etc. where they are caged up against their wills should also be taken into account bearing in mind that even those which are used for research purposes have sensitivities just like any living creature does but this needs to be done ethically so we don’t cause harm unnecessarily.
Unlikely Friendships between Different Species as per Interspecies Relations: There have been numerous recorded instances showing unlikely friendships between animals belonging to different species thus proving beyond doubt that indeed there exists some common ground we share with others regardless of whether they belong to our biological families or not.
Communication and Understanding: Learning how to identify with what another being may be feeling by responding appropriately whenever such emotions are displayed will only serve to strengthen the connection between individuals hence fostering better care towards them all round.
Evolutionary Perspective: The ability of forming emotional bonds might have played a key role in enhancing survival among different species during their existence on earth over millions years ago. This realization prompts people into treating any animal we come across more kindly than before – whether it’s someone’s pet, working companion or even wildlife encountered while going about daily activities; realizing that everything is connected together through love.
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