Tagged: Bill Burg, Bitches, Burger-King, Careers, democrats, Divorce, Divorce Without Lawyers, family, Friendship, God, Grandmothers, happy, Independent Contractor Agreement, Marriage, Milf, Romeo Burg, satan, Settlement
Marriages don’t last…
Danny Vesokie | Affiliated Financial Partners replied 4 months ago 19 Members · 65 Replies
Divorce is an ugly emotional expensive event. Nobody wins in a divorce The ony winner on a divorce are the lawyers. Glad you had a great day.
This is true Bentley. The divorce attorneys are playing for the enimy of our souls though. They make money off of the destruction caused by deception and misleading spirits. People are being deceived and they don’t even know it. They fall in love and commit to a life together and then all hell breaks loose. We blame everything on our spouse not realizing that we don’t battle against flesh and blood but against spirits. We are fighting the wrong person and its sad really.
Good Bless Mister. I went through a hell of a divorce from a witch of hell. I am there for you brother. Thanks for sharing an inspirational story with us victimized men.
Thanks for sharing Chase. Love you man. Stay faithful to yourself.
Same shit witn women. They want to use you, abuse you, degrade you. Men are God’s children. SOME WONEN are lizards 🦎 from Satan.
Agree brother. You can’t live with them and you cannot live without them.
Thank you Stella. I couldn’t agree more. It’s just when we look at each other we see the flaws. The idea is to look up. Let God show us how to love. Then we can look horizontally and see a beautiful person in front of us.
Thank you Gunner. I can honestly say I’ve been blessed with making some great friends and learning a lot about myself during all of this. It wasn’t all my wife’s fault. It was mine also. When we get married, we are all given opertunities to learn how to work with someone else. It’s not easy and its supposed to help us grow. I’ve grown more through all of this than ever.
Mr. Bill. Read your story and want to know how much I appreciate you sharing your experience. Personal and inspiring. I went through the same thing you did but I am too chicken to say anything. Keeping everyone from knowing what I went through. Let’s talk about this together if you are available. Thank you
What line of work are you in, Bill? Were you unemployed or having financial problems and was the reason financial for you and your wife having marital discrepancies if you don’t mind me asking?
I’m in the mortgage industry and I’m very successful. Money isn’t the issue. I hurt her because I was strugling with insacurities from my childhood. She left me because of insucurities from her child hood. This is the same story most of us face. Fill in the blank its usually going to look the same. We’re all in need of healing. It happens through times like this if we’ll let Him do it.I’m in the mortgage industry, and I’m very successful. Money isn’t the issue. I hurt her because I was struggling with insecurities from my childhood. She left me because of insecurities from her childhood. This is the same story most of us face. Fill in the blank; it’s usually going to look the same. We’re all in need of healing. It happens through times like this if we’ll let Him do it.
After my wife left me because of financial problems, good karma came my way. I got offered a job that I was on a waiting list for 3 years with a county government with great benefits. I found my soul mate from the Philippines and never realized how much I was appreciated. My inlaws love me like I am their son and I am appreciated for who I am. I am no longer called a lover, control freak, selfish, and accused of things I never did. God has a reason for everything, Bill. Stay positive
Great story Wiggie. There’s a lot of people that needed to hear that.
Brother King, remember that 63% of marriages end in divorce. If bill does Philliphines, I suggest don’t get suckered into marriage.
Wiggie, just because you got lucky and worked for you does not mean it will work with Bill Burger or others. You cannot be encouraging other people that it will be great and work out the next time. Borderline fraud and misleading and I suggest you stop practicing psychiatry without a license.