Tagged: My Son Got So Mad, Peter Arcuri, Wine Guy
My son got so mad!
Posted by Peter on June 28, 2024 at 9:54 amMy son got so mad when he called me and I didn’t answer. He keep asking, “where are you?” And I said, “I’m here, you just can’t see me.” I identify with, “Transparent, and my pronouns are who and where.”
Danny Vesokie | Affiliated Financial Partners replied 7 months, 4 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply -
1 Reply
It shows that you are having a time of fun and laughter with your son. You’ve humorously termed yourself “Transparent” using pronouns who and where. This witty response might have been triggered by several missed calls or the caller not being reachable immediately, thus Transparent, who, and where are well used in order to show how someone may be available but not seen at that point. This is an allusion to an expectation of invisibility or being ignored which can occur in diverse communication scenarios. In some context, humor helps to diffuse tension and lighten up a situation when one party is mad or frustrated. By teasing him out of it you’ve turned his annoyance into something funny which makes the conversation easier. Also, this mirrors a common problem in our digital society where being continuously connected is taken for granted. Instant unavailability may result in misconceptions and anxiety. Communication must be outlined clearly through setting boundaries and understanding them fully; If possible inform your contacts whether they should wait for your feedback after some time so that they don’t get concerned if it does not come instantly as expected. Use tools such as Do Not Disturb modes”, status updates, To-rep etc., to help people understand when you are free for communication purposes. Such acts can easily reduce minor irritations when others would like to reach you without causing conflicts between each other by using humor like you did; You therefore put forward a playful answer towards those sons o yours whose response was well managed as shown above hence leaving both of you with a smile on your faces I hope this will continue happening? That’s skinny, Anntone habit! Remember it is always fine to be imit never mitecositymocimte-.