Shut the…
Hygiene is a set of rules to help preserve health. We all remember COVID from a few years ago. We went around wearing masks and washing our hands constantly. We avoided people, movies, weddings, and everything else to practice proper hygiene. Here is one guideline you will not find that prevents bacteria from spreading. Flush with the lid down. That’s right, flush your toilet with the lid down. I don’t know why a lot of people have not figured this out.
Looking at new homes recently, every toilet lid in pictures was not shut. Why? We all know what the toilet looks like; do we have to see where you sit and conduct business? Think about it from a practical point of view: your flush lid is up, and bacteria is being sprayed throughout the bathroom. Do you store your toothbrush nearby? It’s getting showered with bacteria. Whatever is exposed is collecting bacteria; you wouldn’t wash your toilet with your toothbrush, but it’s the same effect.
We used to be annal, no pun intended, about hygiene during COVID. Why did most of us abandon these practices? You thought COVID was over and all was safe. There is bacteria everywhere. If we start with this, it will most definitely help us stay healthy. I think we should start a new campaign. “SHUT LID! SHUT LID!” “Game of Thrones” had, HOLDDOOR, HOLD DOOR!
We must SHUT LID to remain a bit more healthy.