The message on Trust, Faith, and Life as Kevin DeLory regards them fittingly resonates with his self-perspective and the epiphanies he’s had as he went through cancer. Some of the pertinent aspects that are missing pieces the purpose of focus for his broader audience may be the key em when deciding to speak out to other people include:
Key Themes:
In People, it is necessary to earn and be trusted by friends, family, and work colleagues, especially in trying times. However, the downside of drawing strength from a support system is also discomforting.
In Self: Because of such trust, self-imposed challenges do not seem as intimidating.
Faith in the Process: Faith and hope are needed for the process. Such will likely provide positive emotions that are beneficial for the body.
Spiritual Faith: Many have infused themselves with strength through hope or faith, and destiny seeks to operate by believing.
Enjoying: Life is a gift that makes appreciating bottling moments easier when faced with a struggle. A paradigm shift brings joy and gratuity to the next stage.
Lesson: Hardships in life come to teach lessons. Every fall, you understand one more thing about life, and this reality changes.
The struggle of life does not define us. Still, our relationships and the trust within us to never lose hope and persist in adversity make us who we are. Kevin DeLory is not only an embodiment of these words, but his journey inspires us to live a truthful life while supporting each other in sailing through the storm that we call life.