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The USDA has cleared and approved Americans to sell lab grown meat. This brings up controversy among Americans. We will cover more on this topic.
Would you recommend to buy an existing home or a new construction home for your first home? Many so called experts I talk to say that I can save over 40% of the market value of a single family home if I built a single family home ground up. How difficult is it to get financing on building a new construction home?
Cody. It’s a great pleasure speaking with you today about TPO GO government and conventional renovation mortgage loans. You can do a purchase or refinancing on renovation loans on FHA, VA, USDA, and conventional loans. 30 day close. Looking forward to learning more about this government and conventional mortgage loans.
Can you get charged for a DUI in Illinois if you are parked and are sitting in your car without the engine running?
This message is more towards John Strange, the FHA and VA STREAMLINE REFINANCE expert. Can you please explain how FHA and STREAMLINE REFINANCE loans work
I live on a 7 acre property and did the final end of the year mowing today which I am not done. Started last Friday but my tractor broke down. Got my tractor back Friday and mowed for three hours. I spent 5 hours today and still have more than 10 hours at best. It normally takes me 8 hours to mow my yard by myself without doing trimming which I normally spread it out over 3 days over one week. If I hire a landscaper, it costs me $600. Here are some photos and videos.
Many people are getting diabetes. Diabetes is also known as a silent killer. Anyone explain the dangers of diabetes?
This is more of a legal question for a paralegal or attorney. Can a credit card company lower a consumer credit card limit when the consumer has been a loyal customer for three years, never been late, was a victim of credit card fraud but yet paid the minimum credit card monthly interest payments after an internal fraud credit dispute was ruled in favor of the merchant, and paid the fraudulent charges in full while preparing to file changes and lawsuit? If you can respond to facts, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all.
This 9 month old German Shepherd puppy will not sleep good night. 😴 but does not know it yet.
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Sapna Sharma.
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Will history repeat but with different reason ?? Thoughts on how real estate agent commissions affect price of property these days and what future holds !!
Why is it that lenders are quoting different mortgage interest rates on FHA loans? Isn’t FHA loans backed by the federal government. Shouldn’t all government loans have a uniform mortgage rates?
Hi just wanted to ask if a borrower can qualify for FHA loan less than a year on her CH 13 repayments?
Thank you -
Lame Duck President Joe Biden has pardoned his son despite his prior statement that Hunter will not be pardoned and NOBODY is ABOVE the law. Hunter Biden was given a blanket pardon for all federal charges and convictions since 2014. This pardon is a major blow for the Democrat Party after defeated Presidential candidate Kamala Harris spent $1.5 billion on her campaign and is $20 million in debt. More to come on this story
Please watch the attached video clip.
I want to start learning about skiing. but don’t know how do I start . Please help me so i cma learn fast
Globalist and Democrats believe in depopulation especially Bill Gates, Joe Cheatin Lying Biden, Barack and Michael Robinson Obama
Can someone please explain how the Revenue Share residual income program works for mortgage loan officers at NEXA Mortgage. I am getting conflicting answers. Thank you in advance.
By pausing foreclosures and extending the COVID-19 Refund Modification program, we can continue assisting Veterans with their loans while we launch our newest home retention option, the VA Servicing Purchase (VASP) program.
GCA Mortgage Best Mortgage Calculator powered by Alex Carlucci is used by loan companies. Mortgage processors, mortgage underwriters real l estate brokers, loan officers, realtors, bankers. attorneys, insurance agents, and other mortgage and real estate professionals. Here is a presentation about the GCAs Best Mortgage Calculator powered by Alex Carlucci
I want to APPLY NOW for a mortgage but have outstanding collection accounts. What is the statute of limitations on collection accounts for a mortgage?
Can men and women who work at brothels in Nevada working as sex workers qualify and get approved for a mortgage loan?