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What type of documents is requrired for an FHA and VA streamline refinance? Why am I being asked to provide these documents if they are not required for a Streamline Refinance?
Why do we have to leave a little balance on the credit card instead of having a zero balance to get a better credit score? Why do we get better credit scores if we leave a balance on a credit card instead of paying it off at the end of each month?
When we are reviewing 1003, what are two things we have to look for immediately from a compliance standpoint?
Hi, we have had major credit issues. We lost our home of 23 years because we thought someone was helping us refinance, but they only took money from us. Then we had to file for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy was charged off at the beginning of 2018. Right now, we are renting a home but will have to move in June 2020. Would it be possible to buy a home at that point? What can we do to help ourselves?
Kamala Harris spent $1 Billion Dollars on her campaign in just 100 days. Not only did Kamala Harris spend one billion in just two months, but she is 20 million dollars in the hole. It turns out that Kamala Harris paid many celebrities for their endorsement: Beyonce was paid $10 milliion. Where is My Daddy Podcast was paid $100,000. Al Sharpton was paid $500,000, the list goes on. How can someone spend over one billion dollars and not win? How can Kamala Harris spend a billion dollars in two months and be negative 20 billion and consider herself fit to become President of the United States? Can Kamala Harris get in trouble for this? You can help out so many poor families with a billion dollars. Is this campaign fraud?
Could I finance land only? A site-built home or mobile home would come later after I’ve paid off the land. Are down payments on land higher? Are credit restrictions tougher?
FICO 5, 4, 2 is 610, 569, and 599. We have 4-year-old unpaid COs (job loss, very sick child). Pre-approved with different lenders from $173k (low end) to $225k (high end). the single borrower makes $45k, has a car payment of $370, and has low credit card limits with under 5% util. Excellent VOR and flawless payment history from the past 24 months and on. I made an offer on a house and was accepted for $190k, but I am now curious about other lenders. We’ll need manual underwriting, won’t we? Can GCA FORUMS Mortgage Group do manual underwriting? Are they a direct lender? Can they help us make this dream a reality?
In California, to refinance a property I owned before marriage does my spouse need to sign?
Underwriting wants me to write a letter on my late payments and charge the account off. What should I write?
On 4 UNIT Owner Occupied FHA loan. Can rental income of this 4 unit be used to reduce the Mortgage Payment.
Does HUD, VA, USDA, FANNIE MAE, and Freddie Mac require verification of rent? How about non-QM lenders? Do they require verification of rent or verification of mortgage?
In California, to refinance a property I owned before marriage, does my spouse need to sign?
Why do lenders want to see inquiries from only the past 90 days of the credit report ? Why do mortgage companies treat medical collections the same as non medical collections
I’ve been perusing these boards for the last few days and I was hoping someone would have advice for my situation.
I have a bit of a scenario for you all. My husband and I are in the process of buying our first home. We both are entirely clueless about the process and are hoping we’re doing this the right way.
We both have excellent credit scores – my mid is 802, his mid is 795. We make over $100,000 per year. The thing is, we don’t have much money to put down. At the moment we have $8000 in our savings account and would like to hold onto as much of it as we can to use on the house itself when we get into it. We would hope for 100% financing incl. closing costs, or 80/20 ideally, if we can get it.
Right now we are pre-qualified for 100% financing through Foxtons and Countrywide. We’ve heard bad things about Foxtons, so we (thought) we decided to go with Countrywide. Right now we only qualify for the 100%, but not the 80/20 as my husband does not have enough lines of credit. I added him as a joint holder on one of my accounts and he’s applied for a CC of his own. Countrywide informed that once he gets his accounts for 30 days we’ll qualify for the 80/20.We liked a townhouse and made an offer for $260,000. We’re not expecting an acceptance, we are hoping to get the house for $265,000. We close on October 31, so there is still some time.
Reading all the news lately has really scared me about using Countrywide for this. What are our options here? Do we cross our fingers and stick with Countrywide, or should we shop around some more? If so, who should we inquire with? (We tried calling GMAC and were entirely unhappy with the customer service we received, so they are out.) We’re afraid we won’t qualify for a mortgage because we won’t have much to put down. I also worry about too many times our credit gets hit – that will bring down our excellent scores.What do you think? Ideas?
NEXA Mortgage LLC now offers 100% acquisition and renovation investment property loans. Needs to have a after improved value of 65% LTV.
This discussion was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Gustan Cho.
This discussion was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Without the cost of land, do any of you know the cost of new construction on two-to-four unit multi-family buildings. It seems it is wiser to build a two-to-four unit multi-family home versus buying an existing two-to-four unit multi-family home.
Many real estate investors buy fixer uppers and renovate it. After renovation, investors will either flip it and try to sell it for a profit. Other investors want to keep it as a rental by AirBnB’d or long term rental. However, investors want to take cash out refinance to get the renovation cost back with a DSCR Cash-Out Refinance mortgage loan. The issue you run into is most non-qm wholesale mortgage lenders require a one year seasoning requirement on DSCR Cash-Out Refinance mortgage loans. GCA MORTGAGE Group can help Cash-Out Refinance on DSCR loans with six months seasoning of property ownership. Please contact us at contact@gustancho.com
Here’s an informative article about DSCR loans
DSCR Mortgage Loans: Debt Service Cover Ratio
DSCR Mortgage Loans is underwritten based on the cash flow of the property. Borrower does not have to provide income docs or tax returns
You should have chold lock if you have children
Va loan with a 500 credit score, any way that has ever been done. Lady was married spouse passed and then she got cancer. Which she is cancer free now. So they have foreclosed on the home she is living in that was her husbands. She was not on loan. She is an RN, I know VA is not so much credit score. This below picture of info came from a Realtor friend. We would love to be able to help get some way, if possible purchase the home that foreclosed. She is still living in it still. She is an heir to property, so I was unsure how it would affect. As her name is on deed but not mortgage.
I was reviewing Google Search Console and StatCounter and looking at the number of unique visitors and the geographic clicks to my website. I noticed GoogleBot, Google Proxy, was clicking on my website. What does it mean when Google Bot, and Google Proxy clicks on your website on tons of URLs
Your answer is greatly appreciated.
Will a personal loan (unsecured loan) used to payoff cc’s improve my score?
I discovered a website today http://www.prosper.com that offers personal loans for all sorts of reasons. It looks like the real deal. Somehow tied in such that it reports to your credit report though. So my question would be: If I have a personal loan for ~$14k on my report-pay back over 3 yrs., is that better for my score than the 7 different credit cards that total the same? I am just looking for chances to consolidate and strengthen my score.
I have never bought a car in my life, and now it’s happening. This website is where I discovered the FICO Auto Industry Option scores. Since I do not have an auto credit history, I would be assuming that it is pretty much as bad as bad auto history and will probably score low. Am I correct in assuming this?
I have enough cash at hand today for me to buy a decent used car without having to take out an auto loan. My FICO score is about 620. My question is, “Should I pay for the used car, in full with the cash that I have on hand or look for a new car (in the approximate $14,000 range) pay more than half of the cost of the new car as a down payment with the cash I was going to use for the used car and then take out an auto loan for the rest? Would it help with first of all my Auto FICO score, and do auto loans look good/help your regular FICO score? -
I am waiting until I file my 2022 taxes to apply for an FHA loan; I hear lenders are a lot stricter due to COVID-19, especially with those who are self-employed. My question is, with a 630 average FiCO score (2,4,5) and my new taxes showing increasing income in the new year (2023), what other concerns should I have or try to prepare for when I apply for an FHA? DTI is low as well
I have a 705 credit score and zero late payments. I have a 16-year job history and make 80,000 per year. I also have a nine-year rental history. I have the opportunity to purchase the townhome that I’ve been renting, but I’m concerned because my DTI is 48.5%. Do you think I will still get an approval? If so, do you know if I will need mortgage reserves, and if so, approximately how much? I’m using a 401(k) loan for the down payment and closing costs.
I have a client who was approved for FHA with a different lender. She is in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and has been paid on for 2.5 years. Approval must be obtained from the BK courts for the purchase. She has only W2s for 2019 and 2020 but doesn’t have tax returns. This lender is stating they need tax returns. Can you get this done without tax returns, w2s only? It’s not a self-employed situation.
I am trying to purchase a home in Wisconsin. The state of Wisconsin is a community property state. I want to exclude my wife from my FHA LOAN. However, she has a lot of debts. She has a full-time job. Can her debts not count if she makes a lot of income? Counting her debts and excluding her income disqualifies me due to going over the maximum debt-to-income ratios on an FHA LOAN. She cannot be on a loan due to a recent foreclosure reporting on a home that was surrendered 6 years ago but was taken out of her name.
I want to purchase a home. But I’m stuck with the Debt to Income Ratio. Not because I have debt. I don’t have debt ( I already paid it all). However, my income for W2 2020 is only $41,000, or around $3600/month. I have 150K in my bank, but I only want to use it for a downpayment of 3,5% because I want to use the rest of the money to build ADU, maybe about 2 or 3 bedrooms, so I can rent it to other people to make income. because rent average around here is for room rent about 800- 900 per month. I stuck with the DTI Ratio because of my recent income and high house prices around my city. I need a purchase price of 450k-500k with 3,5%. and my credit score is 700. So yeah, that’s the situation. I need advice or a solution.