Loan OfficerForum Replies Created
Will do , I have been emailing back and forth with her today. Trying to get my domain linked to arrive. Plus I sat up business account tictoc, instagram and Facebook. So I need to get all the Gustan Viedos linked on my accounts.
Still trying to figure out my Google page , It still not showing up where I changed it from previous company. I think they are not using the business accounts from the gmail. I am not a tech person but know what I want . lol
Thank you , I need to set up account. So I can go in and print marketing flyers
He looks like he is saying , ok let’s see what I can do . I love to make him crazy .
I have had a few non profit places ask about forming like a community of them. They are a 501C and checking on grants.So keep me posted.
Wise words,
I think the just do it. Was more for me.
1. We often find ourselves thinking about things we need to do but struggle to take action.
2. Procrastination occurs because we believe the task needs to be perfect before starting.
3. The key is to start and address problems as they come up.
4. It is pointless to worry about things that haven’t happened yet.
Yes I do need an accountability partner . One that gives good , bad and ugly.
If I can get a year worth of canceled checks. And they say rent on it . As he has been living there for 14 years. I was just thinking it would be more cost effective to purchase at agreed amount. whichis 160,000 Not wanting to pull out equity. Wants note cheap as he has been paying 875. Note will be 1400. But wants to get in with 3.50 or less. I have application 700+ SCORE BUT WIFE is 0. score
I tried to set up account . Said was not authorized. I assumed maybe it was what I picked. So I will message tomorrow so I can get it completed. Was trying to get the marketing flyers