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I guess I am going to fess up what happened yesterday. Saturday mornings is hectic for me. First, I live in a rural area, Brighton, Wisconsin which is close to the Illinois and Wisconsin border. Instead of garbage workers picking up weekly trash once a week, I many residents in my town go to the town hall parking lot where two large garbage truck is parked to collect the townspeople trash. I was going to blow off going to the dump at town hall but got notice that my Chase bank account was overdrawn. I got a BMO Harris account too but did not know how to Zelle from one account from one bank to a different account in a different bank. I said fuck it and I might as well go to the dump if I had to go to BMO HARRIS to learn how to use Zelle. I packed my SUV full of my weekly garbage and headed off to town hall to have the sanitary workers unlead the garbage. I then head of to BMO Harris which was about seven miles from town hall in Salem, Wisconsin. I did not realize that I did not have online banking and you cannot open a Zelle account at two different banks with the same email address. I arrived at BMO Harris Salem, Wisconsin branch around 10:30 am. I was greeted by Kylie at the customer teller counter. Kylie analyzed my checking and savings accountd and was dumbfounded for a little while. She then got assistance from her colleague Shannon. They both try to rigure it out themselves and something was not adding up. Therefore, they contacted the regional help desk center of BMO Harris in front of me and got to investigate why I had an online account but could not use it and why I could not send a $77 dollar overdraft I owed Chase. Banks normally close at 12 pm or 1 pm on Saturdays. Kylie and Shannon diligently worked very hard to get me all set up. The reason why my Zelle account at BMO Harris would not work was because my online banking was not quite set up. Kylie and Shannon set up my online banking, set up my Zelle account, and updated all of my digital online banking information such as the current email address, personal cell number, and ordered new checks. Frank at the teller counter has also helped. I have dealt with Frank for over a year at the Salem Wisconsin Branch of the Salem, Wisconsin Branch. I am sold now why BMO Harris Bank has such a great reputation. It is the people that make a great company and now I know why. Like to commend upper management for having such a great team of professionals at BMO Harris Salem, Wisconsin.
Like God created man and woman and nothing in between, people either love former President Donald Trump or hate him with a passion. Nothing in between. President Donald Trump is becoming increasingly popular as time passes. The more Democrats try to hang him the more popular Trump is becoming popular. Many Democrats are changing parties and supporting Donald Trump. Over 8 million Biden voters have switched sides to support Trump. Today, the Supreme Court ruled 9 to 0 overturning Colorado Supreme Court ruling Trump banned from the 2024 Presidential election. The Supreme Court ruled no states can rule Trump cannot run in the 2024 Presidential election.
Spoke with Gustan and he mentioned his friend is a professional German Shepherd training professional. What are Dutch Shepherd dogs.
Here’s the link to Mark Chen trained Dutch Shepherd dog.
This discussion was modified 1 year ago by
Gustan Cho.
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This forum thread applies to GCA FORUMS Insurance Expert @Brent . If someone gets arrested for a drunk driving offense, what happens to your auto insurance policy. Does the insurance carrier drop you? Do you need to get any other forms of insurance? Will there be a difference between auto insurance policy premiums with a driving under the influence dismissal in court and a driving under the influence conviction? Will the drink driving conviction affect your homeowners insurance coverage and premiums or is it treated independently. Thank you in advance, Brent
Bidenomics is destroying our economy and inflation is going through the roof, prices at the grocery store is becoming unaffordable, interest rates are soaring with no signs of green light at the end of the tunnel. What is a family with children and pets supposed to do. Many people are putting their beloved dogs and cats up for adoption because they can no longer afford food and veterinary care for them. The only solution that may help but not solve the economic problems we are facing is planting your own garden. $100,000 salary is no longer high income. You cannot survive with $100,000 salary if you have a family. Most people no longer can afford a house due to home prices soaring out of control and mortgage rates in the 7 percent range with the Democrats and Globalists saying we had a soft landing and Joe Biden Bidenomics was the magic pill that stopped a recession and economic nightmare. Bidenomics is a crock of shit and enough is enough with false economic fake news and propaganda the liberal lunatics are trying to brainwash the American people. Many people are hesitant to plan a Garden because of the Chem trails. Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, Bill Gates, The Rothschild Family, George Soros, Chuck Schumer, and countess Democrats and Globalists are trying to destroy America, depopulate the world, and restrict the food and Housing Supply. Look at the false manipulated stock market. Look at how they are printing money that is not backed by any source of assets. Anyways, here is an informative guide on starting your own garden Bed.
30 Free DIY Raised Garden Bed Plans (PDF Instructions)
Find 30 free diy raised garden bed plans (pdf instructions) that contain step-by-step instructions on how to build a raised garden bed.
Home Systems: Did you know that the age of your home and what it takes to run the home affect your insurance?
Electrical: If it is not up to date and in working order, this can be an underwriting concern for insurance companies.
“Working Order” – this does not only mean that it has been checked on but updated to maintain a safe environment. Electrical work such as knobs and tubes, extension cords, and fuse boxes are risks that insurance companies can deny due to their underwriting guidelines. The reason that they would reject the items listed above would be due to the fire hazard they pose.
Plumbing: Once again, working order is excellent, but it can affect your insurance rates or eligibility with insurance carriers, causing your premium to spike or become ineligible with a carrier.
Plumbing to watch out for Galvanized Steel, Cast iron, and polybutylene, all plumbing types that might make a property ineligible or cost you an increased premium.
Furnace Age: The last time the furnace was replaced and the heating type of a home can determine a lot about potential claims in the future and cause your eligibility and insurance premiums to be higher.
The furnaces to watch out for are wood stoves, pellets, coal, stand-alone, space heaters, and fireplaces as primary heat sources.
Also, it is much better if a dial or a smart home system thermostatically controls the heat.
Roof Age: The roof age will qualify you for several discounts on your home insurance! A new roof protects the inside of your home from further damage, thus lessening the blow of a larger claim payout.
When a roof is outside the 15-year-old mark, consider putting a new one on yourself or face potential claims/out-of-pocket expenses for which you may not be ready. This could make your roof’s Actual Cash Value(= market value – depreciation) depending on how old the roof is. This can lead to a deductible plus the depreciated value of the top that you now owe besides your selected deductible.
ACV or actual cash value can lead to more unexpected costs you might only have been aware of once it is too late!
These items can help your clients choose a property that works for them and their expected budget. Negotiating on a contract might help your borrower save money on the purchase price and keep more money in their pockets! This is also excellent knowledge when prospecting with your real estate agents to help them stand out amongst a crowd and be the best they can be! Please let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to ask!
Chase, one year old German Shepherd long hair puppy learns how to sit in less than a day. I showed him what I expect from him when I said sit yesterday afternoon for 30 minutes and today he knew what it meant. He sat on command 100% of the time. He was having a hard time initially but eventually sat when told to do so.
French Bulldogs are one of the most popular dogs in the world. Average French Bulldogs normally cost $2,500. It is not uncommon for French Bulldog pups to cost $10,000 per pup. There are French Bulldogs that go as high as $100,000. In the attached video this breeder makes $5 million per year. Many states like Illinois have banned puppy mills and pet shops in selling dogs.
If you are a loan officer, how do you start your own mortgage net branch and operate under a P and L. What type of requirements is necessary to have your own business as a P and L mortgage net branch? @Bill Burg
Breaking news: The United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled 9 to 0 States cannot ban former President Donald Trump from the ballot box in November 2024 Presidential Election. Colorado Supreme Court ruling that Donald Trump cannot run in Colorado in November 2024 has been overruled. Other states that were planning to ban Donald Trump from running is shit out of luck. Joe Biden approval Rating is sinking like the titanic. Over 8 million Biden voters are planning on voting for Donald Trump this November 2024.
I was asked to come to GCA Forums to get the right answer to whether it is better to open your own mortgage broker company or try to get hooked up with a mortgage lender and open your own P and L net mortgage branch? What are the pros and cons of owning your own mortgage net branch versus having your own mortgage brokerage company? What are the two start up costs of having your own mortgage broker company versus a P and L mortgage net branch of a national mortgage lender. @Bill Burg
How can I open my own mortgage company? Can I buy an existing mortgage company or how do I go about starting my own mortgage company and hire mortgage loan officers to work under me? How much money does it cost? What type of licensing do I need to get.
Tom Homan rips the Biden Administration due to not continuing on what former President Donald Trump started on building the WALL and made matters worse with having tens of thousands illegally cross the border from Mexico to the United States. Karine Jean-Pierre and other Joe Biden handlers are talking out of their rear ends trying to protect the image and reputation of the elderly Joe Biden where there are talks from many his dementia and mental illness is deteriorating at a rapid rate and his days are number. Besides Tom Homan, other high level Washington top guns from both sides of the isles are not having too much faith on Joe Biden even making it to the November 2024 Presidential election. Biden’s handlers are advising Joe Biden to step down but the senior Biden is struggling and deteriorating at a rapid space.
This discussion was modified 1 year ago by
Gustan Cho.
This discussion was modified 1 year ago by
There are long hair French Bulldogs for sale for $60,000. Look at this YouTube video
Animal lovers are paying big bucks for dogs. French Bulldogs are raking in big bucks. French Bulldogs are fetching as much as one million dollars per pup. Look at this video about getting rich breeding French Bulldogs
What is a Shiloh German Shepherd compared to a standard German Shepherd dog? I heard a Shiloh German Shepherd is a mixture between a German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute and are larger and live longer. Can someone explain?
What is the requirements for a borrower to be eligible for bank statement mortgage loans? Do you need to have a bona fide business to be eligible for bank statement loans? Can a sole proprietor without an LLC, corporation, or legal partnership be eligible for bank statement loans? Can W2 wage earners qualify for bank statement loans? Can 1099 wage earners qualify for bank statement loans? If I am a cash wage earner buying and selling cars without a legal form of business, can I qualify for bank statement loans? Does the lender need to see income tax returns? How many years in business do you need to be to qualify for bank statement loans. Do you need to be self-employed to be eligible for bank statemnent loans? Can you have a co-borrower that is a W2 wage earner on the main borrower is self-employed? How is qualified income calculated on bank statement loans on personal and business bank statements. Can you use both personal and business bank statements? Thank you in advance @Annie @Dale_Elenteny @john @John_Strange
This subforum will train our digital media marketing team how to do a rewrite and updating older blogs to fresh content. Google and other search engines want new fresh content for maximum SEO on the search engines. Just because your article has hundreds of keywords and is ranking on first position on Google and other search engines does not mean that is will continue to do so. Google and other search engines want the most updated information on its organic search engines for their viewers. All publishers should take Googles recommendations seriously and update their content to be userfriendly with the most recent and accurate information. This includes videos, infographics, and clear H1 and H2 titles. We will take an example of how older blogs should be rewritten and updated.
This is an older blog from 2018 that we will use as a case scenario and how I am updating it. Instead of writing a brand new blog that is similar or the same H1 TITLE, go back to the older blog that has the title you want to write and get that blog updated. Otherwise, if you write a brand new blog of similar or the same H1 and H2, Google will penalize you for having duplicate content. Plus updating older content will get you a higher boost and creditbility for SEO and even get you more keywords to the keywords you already have.
Here is the blog that I am rewriting from Gustan Cho Associates : Cash-Out Refinance Mortgage Loan Eligibility Guidelines and here is the URL https://gustancho.com/cash-out-refinance-mortgage-loan/
Take a look at how I am rewriting blogs and adding new content. I have screenshots attach and if you can follow how I am progressing so we are all on the same page, you will not get confused and follow this tutorial. GCA Mortgage Group is going to expand our Digital Marketing and Social Media Team so it is important that Anngelli and April is going to master this because you two ladies will be the Chief Management Instructors to run this program. I want to be consistent. I want Ravinder Sharma to check the rankings prior to the rewrite and update and after the rewrite and analyze the data and ranking of how much the rewrite and update has improved. Let’s go ahead and do a cash scenario with this blog Cash-Out Refinance Mortgage Loan: Again, here is the URL URL https://gustancho.com/cash-out-refinance-mortgage-loan/: These steps need to be followed:
- Check the H1 TITLE. Is it too long? Does it make sense? Check Google and see what better name is there. Try to keep the URL the same and NOT change
- Update date to current date (look at the screenshot. You see the screenshot before and after. Do not have space between one H2 body.
- Separate the H2 body with a two liner quotation sentence related to the body. (See attached screenshots)
SECOND H2 BODY Use Title: Go to Google and Search Cash-Out Refinance Mortgage Loan (See Image)
- Look at “People Also Asked” (Look at attached screenshot: Is cash-out refinance a good idea?
Key takeaways. The benefits of a cash-out refinance include access to money at potentially a lower interest rate, plus tax deductions if you itemize. On the down side, a cash-out refinance increases your debt burden and depletes your equity
Try to use the text from People Also Asked subtitle H2 : Is Cash-Out Refinance Loan a Good Idea (Look at Image)
Look at third H2 body Term and Rates on Cash-Out Refinance Mortgage Loan. Two line quotation should be every other H2 body paragraphs (look at image)
You guys are doing a great job but let’s all stay uniform: I will continue on this topic on a separate email. I want to work with each of you the next blog you rewrite. Let me know once you update and rewrite and let’s get on ZOOM together so I want to review. Call me after each of you finish writing the next blog. I will make modifications and let’s go over it. Lets talk tomorrow morning. We will have multiple series for this FORUM. We will continue Part II on the next series:
Here is the finish product
This discussion was modified 1 year ago by
Gustan Cho. Reason: Forgot image
Cash-Out Refinance Mortgage Loan Eligibility Guidelines
Cash-Out Refinance Mortgage Loan on FHA is 80% LTV, Conventional is up to 80% LTV, VA loans is 100% LTV, Non-QM loans is 80% LTV.
Here is WORDPRESS REWRITE and UPDATING CONTENT PART II. Here is the continued instructions on how I update and rewrite the blogs: I will send you the screen shots:
Go to ChaptGDP and enter the H1 Title Cash-Out Refinance Mortgage Loan Eligibility Guidelines
- Copy and paste the text of ChaptGDP and enter into Grammarly (Look at attached screenshot)
- Click the Plagirsm icon on the right bottom (Look at attatched screenshot)
- Look at the highlighted body Grammarly is suggesting that it is duplicate content: Delete and rewrite the plagirsm content (Look at attached screenshot)
- Continue rewriting suggested deleted content until the Plagirsm is less than 7% (Look at attatched screenshot)
- Copy and paste and post on the main WordPress blog (Look at attached screenshot)
- Start breaking the new content from ChaptGDP and blend into the main WordPress blog (Look at attached screenshot)
- Use Title PEOPLE ALSO ASK from Google as new H2 subtitles for new body (Look at attached screenshot)
- Once done, Check Rank Math which we will continue on the next and final part of this tutorial.
Fix-and-flip loans are short-term real estate financing used by real estate investors to purchase and renovate properties for resale (flipping). These loans are typically used when investors want to acquire a property in poor condition, make improvements or renovations to increase its value, and then sell it quickly for a profit.
Here are some key features of fix-and-flip loans:
Short-term loans: Fix-and-flip loans are typically short-term loans with terms ranging from a few months to a couple of years. They are designed to be repaid quickly, usually after selling the property.
Purpose: The primary purpose of fix-and-flip loans is to fund the acquisition of property and cover the costs of renovation and repairs. Investors use these loans to “flip” the property for a profit.
Loan amount: The loan amount is based on the property’s purchase price and the estimated renovation cost. Lenders typically lend a percentage of the property’s after-repair value (ARV), which is the property’s projected value after renovations are completed.
Interest rates: Fix-and-flip loans often have higher interest rates compared to traditional mortgage loans. This is because they are considered riskier due to the short-term nature of the investment and the potential for unforeseen challenges during the renovation process.
Loan-to-value (LTV) ratio: Lenders will typically offer fix-and-flip loans with an LTV ratio that ranges from 65% to 90% of the ARV. The exact LTV ratio can vary depending on the lender and the borrower’s creditworthiness.
Renovation plans: Borrowers may be required to provide detailed renovation plans and budgets to the lender, outlining how they intend to improve the property. This helps the lender assess the feasibility of the project.
Credit requirements: While credit requirements can vary among lenders, borrowers typically need a reasonable credit score to qualify for a fix-and-flip loan. Some lenders may be more lenient in this regard than traditional mortgage lenders.
Down payment: Borrowers are usually required to make a down payment, ranging from 10% to 35% of the total project costs. This demonstrates the borrower’s commitment to the project and provides some protection for the lender.
Speed of funding: Fix-and-flip loans are often chosen for their quick approval and funding process, essential for investors looking to secure properties and start renovations promptly.
Exit strategy: Borrowers must have a clear exit strategy in place, which typically involves selling the renovated property within the loan term to repay the lender.
It’s essential for real estate investors to thoroughly research their options and understand the terms and costs associated with fix-and-flip loans before pursuing this type of financing. Additionally, working with experienced real estate professionals and lenders specializing in fix-and-flip loans can benefit a successful investment strategy.
Can anyone help me understand the HUD Guidelines on Chapter 13 Bankruptcy for FHA loans. Can you get approved for an FHA loan while in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. The Chapter 13 Bankruptcy has not been discharged.
Hello Everyone,
While you are reviewing your clients credit reports, there are some automatic violations that you need to look for. These violations will get escalated to an attorney, that will represent your client at zero out of pocket cost.
Any creditor that was included in a bankruptcy that is still reporting a balance, post bankruptcy, is an automatic violation – Send them over.
Mixed Files
Any client that has multiple social security numbers on their credit report, names, addresses, etc (especially Jr’s, Sr’s, I, II, III, IIII, etc) Please send them over as their credit report could be mixed with another individual – Send them over
Payment Plans
Any client currently on a payment plan, making their monthly payments and the creditors are not updating the balance, This is an automatic violation – Send them over
Settlement Agreements
Any client that makes a settlement agreement and has written proof of the settlement agreement and the balance isn’t reduced to the agreed upon balance on the credit report, this is an automatic violation – Send them Over
Identity Theft
Any client with identity theft – send them over
I will need the following information:
Credit Report
Client Name
Client Phone Number
Email Address
Please forward to: ali@ficodiva.com
Start Hunting!!
America is home of the free where the people decide their representatives through el6ctions. Elected officials work for the people. It is the people who pay elected officials to make sure our tax dollars are spent frugally and wisely. Majority of Americans believe our tax dollars are being robbed by greedy government officials who seem to forget that taxpayers are the their bosses and the tax dollars is not their piggy bank to be wasted. Americans need to stop paying taxes and get a complete overhaul of the tax structure and audit where their tax dollars are being siphoned off to.
James Strebel of REO Foreclosure Services is nationally known for his cleanup and renovation after the home forecloses. James Strebel’s clients are banks and financial institutions that take over the property due to breach of the terms of the mortgage loan agreement. This includes residential and commercial properties. @James
Many homebuyers who cannot get an approval from the automated underwriting system (AUS) but eligible for a manual underwriting should absolutely explore a TBD Underwriting Pre-Approval. A TBD Underwriting Pre-Approval is when the borrower’s mortgage loan application goes through all the steps of the mortgage process but without a property. The borrower’s file will go through processing, underwriting, and get a conditional approval. Part of the condition loan approval will be the property. The loan officer will suggest to purchase a property. The borrower will get a home under contract and the lender will restart the final stage of the mortgage process which is underwrite the house. An appraisal will get ordered and the underwriter will underwrite the property. Once the underwriter finishes clearing the appraisal, a clear to close will be issued. With a CTC the mortgage processor will coordinate the closing with the title company. Here’s a guide about TBD UNDERWRITING PRE-APPROVAL PROCESS
Fully Underwritten TBD Mortgage Approval As Pre-Approvals
Fully Underwritten TBD Mortgage Approval are full approvals for borrower on manual underwrites and tougher mortgages without the property
Is there a one-time construction mortgage loan on two-to-four unit mult-family new construction. If so, what are the requirements on qualifying for a one-time construction loan on two-to-four unit multi-family primary homes.
Have you closed a loan on clients that have 4 charge off’s or more? Start getting them ready to refinance their home now! Here’s the criteria:
1. Must have 4 charge off’s or more
2. Must Live in California
3. Post BK Charge Off’s Count as well
Send them over and let us start working on their credit now so when the rates decide to take a turn for the better, your client will be ready to refinance!
This is a special program that is only available to California residents.
Let’s Do This Cali!
What are non-warrantable condominiums and what is the difference between warrantable and non-warrantable condos.